Chapter 14 🌲

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"Athena, you must drive with caution. The roads are slippery, and I don't think Rose would want her new car ruined" Edward said as he entered the garage and opened his Volvo.

Athena gasped in realization, remembering the future happenings. "Oh no!"

"What's wrong?" Edward rushed, gaining skeptical looks from his siblings, and a suggestive smirk from Emmett. Noticing his slip he shook his head and frowned. Masking his face again.

"Tyler's van will slip on the ice at the school parking lot and head for Bella!" Athena rushed as she jumped into Rosalie's car. "We must make sure that she is not close to her truck when getting to school. The ideal scenario would make Alice approach her and walk towards school with her suggesting fashion or something to Bella. She prefers her style so she will most likely blow you off Alice. Which will give you an excuse to leave for your own class. When Tyler's van hit, it will only damage her car," Athena said so fast that it was a good thing the others were vampires, or they would have had a hard time keeping up.

"How do you know..." Jasper started.

"It's in the book," Athena explained.

"You never did tell us about them, the books I mean" Edward pointed out from inside the car.

"Well, time has pretty much been flying away from us. I can tell you some after school, if that is ok," Athena suggested.

The five vampires agreed and then they sped off to school.

Athena had never felt so out of place as they neared Forks High School. She knew the day was going to be a disaster and she really did not want to go. But what choice did she have? She could not just ditch them already, that would just be rude. And it wasn't like she had any way of returning home. No, she had to go this all out until the end – and hopefully she would not end – no matter what it would take.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to Rose's BMW. Something felt different from the first day at school. Rose was the first to step out and they were already drawing attention like always. Not just the car, but Athena could hear the whispers as Rose led her towards the office. No one came towards her like they did with Bella. No one dared to come closer, but they sure could stare and they sure could gossip. Only Mike had done so yesterday but out of nerve. She could heard most of it and she was not up to making many new friends. Ok, so maybe she was being strange and maybe even cruel and not giving them a chance, but it was not like she wanted to either. Most humans thought about themselves and she would not mix with them if she could avoid it.

Athena's eyes narrowed as she saw the orange truck arrive, then Alice who was skipping over towards it. So this would be the moment the book theory would actually happen.

"Come on, Athena," Rosalie said and frowned as she tried to gain the girl's attention.

Athena blinked as Rose squeezed her over normal human pressure. "What?" she asked and blinked. Bella's car door was about to open.

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