37 - Until We Meet Again

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Alice and Jasper have taken off, leaving us to fight for ourselves. No one has any idea where they might've gone. So as Renesmee continues to grow, and seasons start changing, we all hoped that they would return sooner. Soon, the snow starts arriving and sticking to the ground. It was the day we all dreaded and Alice and Jasper weren't here with us.

We stand on the field, surrounded by a white blanket of snow. "Funny how you avoid the greatest wizarding war but you get caught up in a vampire one," Ernie says. "It's not too late to back out now," I mutter to him. "And lose my sister all over again? No thanks," he says. "I was going to return back home," I whisper. "Never went through with that plan?" Heather asks. I smile sheepishly. "Come on. Let's beat some ass together," Ernie says. "Ok, baby bro," I agree.

Aro appears. "My, my. It seems you have gathered quite an army. There is no need for violence here, Edward," Aro says. Edward scoffs. "We're simply here to discuss the immortal child. I'm sure you're aware of the rules?" Aro asks. "Renesmee is not an immortal child," Edward says. "We'll show you," Bella says confidently. She looks at Edward who nods and the two of them bring Renesmee towards the Volturi.

"She is not immortal," Aro says after Renesmee puts her hand on his cheek. "Half immortal. Half mortal. Born by this mortal before she turned," Aro announces. "Then I presume we can leave now?" Carlisle calls out. "But how do we know this child is not of danger to us? What is unknown is unsure. Only what is know is safe. This child is not safe," Aro continues. Edward growls. "Alice, you can come out now," Edward says suddenly. Alice? Alice! I look up to see Alice walking towards us with Jasper next to her and two people I did not recognize.

"I have been searching for my own witnesses. In South America," she says, glancing at me. "That was where a tale of a birth similar to Renesmee's originated from and that was where I found Nahuel," Alice explains. "Go ahead," she tells the guy. Nahuel steps forward and begins his story.

When Nahuel finishes his story, Aro speaks. "Brother. There appears to be no danger. This is an unusualdevelopment, but I see no threat. These half-vampire children are much like us, itappears," Aro says. "Is that your final decision?" Caius asks, displeased. "It is," Aro says softly. Then he turns to the Volturi. "Dear ones, it seems we do not fight today," he says. I relax. "Perhaps, we will meet again one day," Aro says, looking at us. "Perhaps, that day you'll be proven as a friend again," Carlisle says. "Perhaps. Until we meet again," Aro says. And just like that, it was over.

~ Time Skip ~

"Happy birthday!!" I say, handing Renesmee a present. "Thanks!" Renesmee says. She was fifteen years old now. She still had her beautiful smile and big eyes. "Wow, this is such a pretty mirror," Renesmee says. "It belonged to Heather. Just say my name and I'll appear in it," I explain. "Why? Are you going somewhere?" she asks curiously. "No. I just thought it would be nice for you to have," I lie. Truth was, I got invited back to Hogwarts. To teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. I have no idea why McGonagall thought it would be a good idea, but I agreed. I realized that the reason I stayed so long was because of Edward. My love for Cedric had kept me here for twenty years. Maybe it was time to let go. Have a fresh start. Edward and Alice know about this plan. Edward had heard my thoughts and Alice had seen me leave. So that night as I stood outside the Cullen's house, Alice and Edward were at the doorway. "We're going to miss you," Edward says. "Will you still visit us?" Alice asks. "I dunno. Will I?" I ask Alice with a small smirk. She smiles and closes her eyes. "Yes. Yes, you will," she says. Both of them give me a hug before I turn around and leave.

The End .

Author's Note

hiya, everyone!! Thanks for coming this far and being so supportive! I know I haven't updated for a while so thank you for understanding and being so patient <3. While writing this book, I have also been thinking of ideas for my next book and I'm deciding between whether to release my Avengers fanfiction or my Vampire Diaries fanfiction. Let me know in the comments which one you'd perfer!! Of course, they might not be released for a while since I'm deciding to take a break from writing for a month or two. Anyways, thank you guys so much for the comments and votes, I appreciate it a lot <3

                             Sincerely, simplyserenaaa

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