5 - I'd Go With You

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I'm back at Hogwarts for my third year. "You and Cedric kissed?" Heather asked. I nod as I tell her what happened this summer. "Wow. That's cool," she says. Heather was a very supportive friend. "This is why I love you so much. If it were Poppy, she would freak out," I say. "Are you planning on telling her?" Heather asks. "Yeah. When the time comes," I say.

"Do we have to have a selective class? I'd rather not and spend extra time sleeping," Poppy complains. "We have to. Just choose one," I say. "Which one did you choose?" she asks. "I chose muggle studies," I say. Poppy scrunches up her nose and sticks her tongue out. "I'll pass on that. How about you, Heather?" she asks. "Care for Magical Creatures," Heather answers. "Alright. It's decided then. I'll take that class with you," Poppy says, making up her mind. She fills out the form and hands it to Professor Sprout.

I walk into Muggle Studies the following week. They combine everyone together, no matter the year since no one is really interested in Muggle Studies. Even with everyone from different years, the class was small. Around forty kids, I would guess. I pick a table and sit down. Next to me, the chair shifts. I glance up. Cedric. "Hello," he says in a friendly tone. "Hey," I say, returning the greeting. "I didn't think you'd be interested in Muggle Studies. Not a lot of people do," he says. "I've always been interested in the muggle world and their way of living," I admit. "Why's that?" he asks. I think about it and I say, "Well, I suppose if I ever wanted to leave the Wizarding World-" "Why would you ever do that?" he asks. I shrug. "Escape from magic. Escape from this terrible life we live in fear that Voldemort will return. And a chance at freedom," I say. "Let me know if you ever do," he says. I raise an eyebrow. He chuckles. "You can't get rid of me that easily. I'd go with you," he says. "Really?" I asked, touched by this. "Really."

A few weeks later, I find myself in the Great Hall eating breakfast with my friends. "How's Muggle Studies going?" Poppy asks. "Fine," I answer honestly. "Care of Magical Creatures is okay. Except for that essay Kettleburn is making us write on- what are we writing it on again?" Poppy asks. "Bowtruckles," Heather answers.

When Halloween arrived, all Heather and Poppy would talk about is the party that's planned to take place in the Hufflepuff common room. "We should wear matching costumes, the three of us," Poppy suggests. Someone behind us scoffs. "Matching costumes? Ridiculous," Annabel says. "May I ask what you're going as?" I ask, temper flaring. "I'm going as a devil," she says proudly. "Suits you," I say. "What?" Annabel seethed. "It's funny though. I heard Cho Chang is going as the angel? Looks like you're doing matching costumes too, hypocrite," I sneer. Annabel turns red and she stomps out the door.

At the Halloween feast in the Great Hall, Cedric sits down next to me. "What are you doing?" I ask cautiously. "Sitting next to you," he states. I roll my eyes. "Well, I figured that part out. Why are you sitting next to me?" I ask. "Are you uncomfortable with me sitting next to you?" he asks. I shrug. "Feel free to sit next to me anytime," I offer. "I'll keep that in mind," he says with a grin.

After the feast, we head back to the common room only to find three first-years gathered around a still cat. "What are you three doing?" I ask. "W-W-We found h-her like t-this," the redhead starts to say. The bushy haired girl starts to speak. "Yeah. This was here before we-" There's a scream behind us. "MY CAT! YOU LOT HAVE KILLED MY CAT. I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!" I turn around to see Mr. Filch marching towards the kid with glasses. "Enough!" A calm voice commands. Dumbledore arrived at the scene. "That is quite enough. Mrs. Norris is only petrified. She'll be fine. You three come with me to my office," Dumbledore says, shooing the other students toward their dorms.

Months passed and the number of petrified students increased. I was in the library helping Madam Pince organize the books. "Thank you dearie for helping me. Not a lot of students do," she says. "That's alright. I don't mind. I like spending time in the library," I say, grabbing a stack of books. Out of all the students in Hogwarts, Madam Pince took a particular liking in me. I head towards the back shelves to put the books away.

The boy with glasses from yesterday was there. "Excuse me, can you move over?" I say kindly. He looks up at me and leaves the aisle. I'm putting the last book on the shelf when I hear a familiar voice. "...Justin is an idiot. Telling the parstletongue that he's a mudblood. Potter's going to petrify him next. He's hiding in his dorm right-" He stops. I glance over to see the boy with glasses storming out. "Shit. Potter knows where he is now," Ernie says. That kid with glasses is Potter?

"Spreading rumors and talking shit about people behind their backs now, huh?" I ask Ernie. His friends look up at me. "Go away, sis," he mumbles, embarassed by my presence. "I'll let you know that I don't think Potter is the Heir of Slytherin," I say. "I don't care about your opinion," he spat. I roll my eyes. "Fine. Whatever," I shrug and I leave them alone.

The next day, is March 5. The professors were still debating on whether to close the castle or not. The mood at Hogwarts was very different. Everyone was scared, especially the muggle borns.

I'm curled up on the sofa by the fireplace reading a book. "Hey," a voice says. I look up from my book to see Cedric. I smile and say, "What's up?" "Happy Birthday," he says. "Doesn't feel very happy, does it?" I ask. "Yeah. Definetly no happy feeling today. But you're fourteen now," he points out. "And?" I ask. "Let me see your book," he says. I hand him the book I was reading and he pretends to read it. "Yup. Just as I suspected," he says staring at a random page. "What?" I ask. "Your book says fourteen is old enough for a relationship. Will you go out with me?" he asks with hope in his voice. I laugh. "Actually, fourteen is old enough for me. Of course I'll go out with you," I answer. He grins. "Really? So you're considered my girlfriend now?" he asks. "I guess you could say that," I answer.

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