20 - Not Possible

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As all the Cullens started to arrive at the clearing, so did the werewolves. "Is Edward going to let you train today?" Emmett jokes. Edward sends him a glare. I place myself on a rock as I watch them argue. "What about you Brooke?" Emmett asks. "I don't think I can practice without accidentally lighting one of you on fire," I say. "You can watch. Me. Beat Jasper," Rosalie says smugly.

"Welcome," Carlisle says as all the werewolves arrived. "Thank you. We will watch and listen but that is all," Edward says in a flat tone, telling us what Sam Uley was thinking. The wolves didn't trust the Cullens enough to come in their human form so Edward had to translate all their thoughts. Rosalie and Jasper were up first. Edward leans towards me and whispers, "One of the wolves wants to meet you." He points at the wolf with the dark brown fur. I raise an eyebrow. "I want to meet that girl with the light brown hair," Edward says in a whiney tone. "No. She is with them," Edward says, switching to a flat tone. "Bella, let's go meet your friends," I suggest.

Bella and I go to the spot where the werewolves had distanced themselves from the vampires. Two of the wolves shift immediately into human form. One was Jacob and the other I did not recognize. Another wolf shifts after the first two did. "Did I not say we weren't changing?" he scolds. Sam Uley, leader of this wolf pack. "I'm Jared Cameron," the one I didn't recognize says. "Brooke Macmillan," I say. "Nice to meet you," he says with a goofy grin. "So. Werewolf, huh?" I ask. "Yeah. You?" he asks. "Witch," I say showing him my wand. "Wicked," he says. "How come you guys can turn whenever? I once knew a werewolf who turned only during a full moon and he had absolutely no control over himself when he did," I say, thinking of Professor Lupin. "We're not werewolf werewolves. We're like shapeshifters who can only take a wolf's form," Jared explains. "Hm. That's interesting," I say. "Well. What can I say? We're very interesting. Especially me," Jared says.

Edward pulls me away from the group a little while later. "Bella can't be near the fight," Edward says. "What are you going to do about it?" I ask. "You're good at producing shielding charms, right? You can take Bella away from Forks," Edward suggests. "Bella won't like that,"I say. "What's going on?" Bella asks, heading towards us with Jacob close behind her. "We're discussing the plan," I tell her. "Well, tell us about it," Jacob says. "Brooke is going to take Bella away from Forks," Edward says. "I think I should go with Bella," Jacob says. "I'm not going anywhere you're not," Bella says to Edward. "Well that ruins the plan," Edward says sarcastically. "All of us can go," Bella says. "That's four less from our side in the battle," Edward mutters. "The packs will be able to handle the vampires. Even if there's only three of them," Jacob says.

"Where would we go?" I ask. "Up to the mountains. They won't follow us there, hopefully," Edward says. "So we're camping?" I ask. "Yes," Edward says. "We need to get an alibi for Bella. And then Charlie can stay safe with Billy," Jacob says. "I'll handle that," I say.

I ring Bella's doorbell and Charlie gets it. "Hello, girls. Bella's with Edward right now," Charlie tells me and Alice. "That's fine. We wanted to find you," Alice says. "We're planning a girls night at the Cullen's house. Just me, Bella, Alice, and her sister, Rosalie," I tell Charlie. "Alright. That's fine with me," Charlie says gruffly. "Perfect!" Alice says.

After a few days, Bella, Jacob, Edward, Seth Clearwater and I found ourselves in the mountains. Jacob, Edward and Bella were in one tent. That wasn't going to end well. I was in a tent with Seth. It was definetly not the whether I would've perfered to camp out in. It was freezing cold but I managed.

The next morning, I wake up to Edward speaking. I walk out of the tent and I see Edward, Bella and Seth. Jacob was nowhere in sight. "Good morning," I say, trying to break the silence. "They've realized that Bella's not near the battle. Brooke and Seth, you two should go hide so you can surprise attack them," Edward says. "Alright," I say and I follow Seth into a higher part of the mountain. "Maybe you should go right and I'll take the left," I suggest. Seth goes right so I assumed that he understood what I meant.

I walk to the left part of the mountain where I had a view of where our campsite was. I hear a soft thump behind me. I turn around and see two vampires. Victoria and one I didn't recognize. Victoria wore a playful smile as she circles around me. "I guess you're regretting your choice to send off the dog?" she teases. "I think I'll kill you too. You're too close with the Cullens and Edward. Wouldn't that break his heart? His former girlfriend. Dead," she taunts. "What do you mean?" I ask, my voice so small, it was a whisper. "He didn't tell you? He's the boyfriend you mourn for. Two years ago, he was found in a graveyard with no memory of who he was. He was changed by Carlisle Cullen," Victoria says. "That's not possible," I whisper. "Ask him yourself- oh wait. You can't. Because you'll be dead pretty soon," Victoria says. "You can't kill me. You'll die doing it," I say. "I promised Dumbledore I wouldn't kill a Hogwarts student. But he didn't," Victoria says, gesturing to the male vampire she brought with her. "Riley, handle her. I've got a Bella to kill," Victoria says, jumping from the ledge and landing on our campsite. I grab my wand, ready to cast a spell at Riley. He pounced and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as I let out a scream. He stops suddenly and out of the corner of my eye, I see him jumping off the ledge just as Victoria had done before. I was alone, laying in the snow as the pain in my shoulder grew.

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