29 - I Imprinted

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"Get Alice and Jasper," Rosalie says, wrapping her hands around Renesmee tighter. I nod and I go to find Alice and Jasper. Alice and Jasper were in the room farthest away from the medical room, where all the blood was. "We have a problem," I say. "Werewolves," Alice says, seeing the future. I nod grimly. The three of us head outside where a pack of werewolves stood, ready to attack. Suddenly, we're joined by Seth and Leah. I look through the pack and I see Jared. The black wolf I had ridden halfway to Toronto. "Can you two defend for a few minutes?" I ask them. Alice nods and I rush to the back of the house.

"Protego Totalum," I mutter, hoping this spell would shield the house for long enough. I repeat it over and over until I see a barrier form over the house. I smile as I repeat it a few more times. I return to Alice and Jasper. "It's done. There's a barrier protecting the house," I say. "You should leave now, you can't get any closer," I tell them. "You may be able to shield the house tonight, but you can't shield it forever. We will be back to kill the monster," Sam says, turning into human form. "Actually, you can't," a low velvety voice says. I turn around to see Edward walking towards us. "It is against a werewolf's nature to kill a person another werewolf has imprinted on," Edward continues. "He's right. I imprinted," Jacob says, following after Edward. I look at Jacob who was now acting like he didn't just collapse on the floor a few minutes ago. "On Renesmee," Jacob says. On Renesmee?! Bella's daughter? What the hell? "I thought the same thing too," Edward says, answering my thoughts. Seeing no way through this, the pack leaves.

"Wow, Jake. You imprinted. Like actually imprinted," Seth says in awe. "What do you mean 'actually'?" Jacob asks. "You know. It's a real imprint," Seth says as if that would explain everything. "So there's a fake imprint," I say, handing Rosalie a pacifier for Renesmee. Rosalie gently puts the pacifier in Renesmee's mouth. "Well Jacob would used to pretend that he imprinted on Bella," Seth says. "Talk about obsessed," I say. "Yeah. He was obsessed with Bella for no reason," Seth continued. "Isn't everyone?" I mutter under my breath, thinking about Edward. Besides me, Edward rolls his eyes. "Can I hold Rensemee?" I ask Rosalie. Rosalie nods as she slowly hands the baby to me.

Renesmee was a beautiful baby. She had a perfectly round face with chocolate brown eyes. "Aren't you pretty?" I coo. To this, Renesmee smiles, showing her perfect white teeth. "Feeding time," Rosalie says. I hold Renesmee in a comfortable position as Rosalie feeds her spoonfuls of baby food. After two or three spoons, Renesmee frowns and refuses to eat anymore. Rosalie's brows furrows as she checks the ingredients on the label. "You should be able to eat this," Rosalie mutters, attempting to feed Renesmee some more. Renesmee shuts her mouth tight. "Come on. Don't you want some of this delicious food?" Rosalie asks. Renesmee opens her mouth slightly and Rosalie feeds her gleefully.

After another spoon or two, Renesmee spits it out. "Ew," I say, glancing at the pile of chewed baby food that landed next to my foot. "Why'd you do that?" Rosalie asks Renesmee, as if Renesmee could understand us. Renesmee looks at me and reaches her tiny baby fist out. She places it on my cheek and I see a blood bag. "You want blood?" I ask in a baby voice. Renesmee giggles happily. "Alright then. I'll get you some blood," I say, handing her to Rosalie. Rosalie gladly accepts Renesmee and starts cradling her. When I get to the kitchen, Jacob's already there. "Heard she wanted blood?" he asks, handing me a cup of blood. "Yeah. Are you going back to the pack now? Since they can't kill Renesmee anymore," I say, taking the cup from him. "I imprinted. I'm staying for Nessie," Jacob says. "Nessie?" I ask, holding back a laugh. "She likes the name," Jacob says, offended by my reaction. "You know what Nessie sounds like? It sounds like the parent mispelled Jessie," I tease. "Don't push it, witch," he says. "I could take you down any day," I say honestly. "Learning how to make empty threats from blondie now?" Jacob counters. I give him a fake smile before I leave the room.

The next few days, Esme, Rosalie, Jacob, and I take turns looking after Renesmee. "Who do you like best, Renesmee? Rosie or Brookey," Rosalie coos. "She can't talk yet," I say in a singsong voice. "Well, she'll probably like me better," Rosalie says, smirking slightly. "I highly doubt that. I'll let you know that she loves it when I do this," I say. Lumos. A ball of light appears in my palm and Renesmee giggles as she tries to grab it. Rosalie frowns. "That's not fair," she says. "It's very fair," I tell her. "Have you guys seen Edward?" Alice asks from the doorway. "Isn't he with Carlisle?" I ask. "Right. And no one knows where Carlisle is so that's not much help. Help me look for him," Alice says. I get up to leave as Renesmee tugs on a lock of my hair. "I'll be right back Renesmee. I'm going to help Alice find daddy," I tell her. Renesmee releases my hair and I leave the room.

If there was one place Edward would be, it was with Bella. I walk into the medical lab and sure enough, Edward and Carlisle was there. "Alice, they're in here," I yell. "Still no change?" I ask Edward. "None," Edward answers. "Was this how I was like in transition?" I ask. "No. You weren't as peaceful," Edward says, a smile tugging at his lips. "There's no scent of the morphine left," Carlisle says. "Bella, can you hear me? Can you open your eyes or do anything?" Edward asks desperately to Bella's still body. No response. "Maybe... Carlisle, maybe I was too late," Edward says. "Son, you did everything I could have and more. I'm not sure I would have had the persistence, the faith it took to save her. Stop beating yourself. Bella is going to be fine," Carlisle assures him.

"There you guys are!" Alice says, rushing into the room. "Here isn't very specific of a location," she tells me. I roll my eyes playfully at this. "She's going to wake up!" Alice says, giving the good news to Edward. "How much longer?" Edward asks. "Not much longer," Alice mutters. A few minutes later, the machine starts beeping as Bella's heart rate picked up. "It's almost over," Carlisle says. Then the machine stops and Bella opens her eyes.

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