17 - Nothing to Talk About

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Edward brought me to a small cabin house in Rio. "What about the rest of your family?" I ask. "I don't need them. Rosalie will only complain," he says. "Then why bring me?" I ask. "Do you not listen to anything I say?" he asks in an exasperated tone. "Of course I do!" I say. "Well, what did I tell you in Denali last year when you ask me the exact same question?" he asks. I enjoy your company. Edward allows himself to smile at my thought. "You never said why you enjoy my company so much," I say. "I'll answer that some other day," he says.

Months passed and Edward stayed in his depressed mood. "You should cheer up," I tell him one day. "How can I? I am forever separated from the person I love," he sighs. "Do I mean nothing to you?" I ask in a slightly offended voice. Something flickered in his eyes. "You mean a lot to me," he says honestly. "Alright. Then cheer up. For me," I tell him. "You're annoying," he tells me. "And you love me for it," I tell him. He chuckles at this. "Sure I do," he says.

The next day, Edward drags me out of bed. "What the hell do you want this time, Edward Cullen," I ask, annoyed that he woke me up. "Come on. Don't tell me you forgot what today is," he says with a grin. "What's today?" I ask. "You'll see," he replies.

We arrive at a waterfall hidden deep in the forest. "Happy Birthday," he tells me. "It's March 5 already?" I ask him. He nods as he jumps in the water. "I am not getting in that water with you. It's going to be freezing," I tell him. "I don't think you have a choice," he says teasingly. He grabs me and I'm in the water with him. "It's not cold," I say out loud with awe in my voice. "Of course it's not. The sun's shining on these water all the time," he tells me. I look at his now glittering face. "Thank you for this," I tell him.

When we arrive back at the cabin, Edward hands me a blanket. "Tell me more about this Cedric guy," he tells me. I hesitate, not knowing if I was ready to talk about Cedric. Thinking of him hurts me so badly. Every memory makes me want him to be here next to me even more. "He was the sweetest person ever. Good looking, loyal, loving," I say. Edward looks at me with sad eyes. "That must hurt a lot," he says. His phone rings. He looks at it and rolls his eyes. "Rosalie," he says, hanging up the phone.

Rosalie called almost every day that week. "Maybe you should pick up," I suggest two weeks later. He walks out of the house and onto the porch. I watch as his expression drops. I immediately knew something was wrong. I slowly head out as he calls someone else. "Where's Charlie?" Edward growls into the phone. There's a pause and Edward lets out a roar of frustration. He throws his phone and it lands near the door. "Edward, what the hell is going on?" I demand. "Nothing. Just that Bella is dead," he says in a low voice. "I'm going to the Volturi," he says finally. He was going to ask to be killed. Even in the Wizarding World, the Volturi was known. "Edward, don't. You have to think this through," I tell him. "There's nothing to think about!" he says. "So what? You're just going to be the coward you are and leave everyone else behind? Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett? And what about Carlisle and Esme? You owe them! The least you could do-" I start before I was violently thrown against the wall. "I don't owe anyone anything. And I'm not a coward," he growls before turning away to leave.

I was alone on the ground and the pain in my leg was growing. I look around for anything that could help me. I spot the phone that Edward had thrown earlier. I reach for it. I grab it and I turn it on. Oh, thank god it's not broken. I dial Rosalie. "Oh, look who decided to call. The traitor who ignored my-" Rosalie said through the phone. "Rose!" I gasp into the phone. "Brooke?" she asks. "I'm in the cabin you guys have in Rio. I'm kind of stuck," I tell her. "Do you need help?" she asks. "Yes!" I tell her. "Alright. Emmett and I are on our way now," she assures me.

Sometime later, I see two figures approaching. "Oh gosh, what happened to you?" Rosalie asks. "Edward," I say. "Emmett and I can't do anything. This is Carlisle's thing," she says. "That's alright. I just need my wand. It's on the couch," I tell her. She goes into the cabin and comes out shortly after with my wand. She hands it to me. I point it at my leg and I mutter a spell. "Episkey." I feel a painful snap in my leg and I'm able to stand up again. I tell Rosalie and Emmett everything that happened. Rosalie groans. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have told him. At the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do," Rosalie tells me. Emmett reenters the room. "I told Alice. She and Bella are on their way to Italy right now," Emmett tells us.

The next three days were a blur. Emmett and Rosalie were worried and Emmett made it his job to think up of every terrible thing that could happen to them. "Emmett, will you do me a favor and stop being depressing? Edward is fine!" I tell Emmett as he was telling Rosalie another one of his made-up outcomes. Rosalie's phone rings. "Alice," she mouths to me as she picks up the phone.

When Rosalie finally hangs up, she says, "Edward and Bella are fine." "Well, what did I tell you?" I ask Emmett teasingly.

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