26 - Pregnant

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"Want to apparate? We can get there faster," I suggest. Rosalie nods as she grabs her bags. She heads downstairs to the lobby to check out while I head to tell Jared and Seth that I needed to go.

When we finished with that, Emmett, Rosalie, and I apparate to the back of the airport. We meet up with Carlisle, Esme, Alice, and Jasper as we wait for Edward and Bella's private jet to arrive. As soon as the plane lands, Bella gets off and runs to Rosalie. Rosalie hugs her back protectively. When did those two get along? "I don't know either," Edward says in his low velvety voice. "Stop reading my mind," I say. "I can't control it," he muses. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"What happened?" I whisper to Edward as Rosalie and Carlisle gather around Bella. "She's..." he pauses. "What?" I urged him to continue. "Pregnant," he says in a strangled voice. "Pregnant? You mean, you two, ahem, mated and have a child now? Wow," I say in disbelief. "We have to get rid of it. It'll kill her," Edward says. "It's a baby. You can't kill the baby," Rosalie says as she comes over to us. "I'll make sure we take it out of her," Edward growls. "Its a baby Edward! You're child! You're baby," Rosalie argues. "I don't care. It'll kill Bella," Edward says stubbornly. "It has a life Edward," Rosalie says. "Like I said, I don't care," Edward counters. "How could you say that?" Rosalie says. "You act like it's a blessing. It's going to kill Bella. It's a danger and a threat," Edward says. "That doesn't matter!" Rosalie says. "Even Carlisle thinks that it has to go. And we're going to get rid of it because it is dangerous," Edward counters.

"You are a terrible person. I'll make sure that the baby lives," Rosalie snaps as she storms away from us. "Just because you want a baby and you can't have one doesn't mean you can sacrifice Bella!" Edward calls out after her. "Low blow," I mutter to Edward. Edward rolls his eyes.

The next day, Bella asked Edward if she could see me privately. "She wants to see you privately. Don't kill her," Edward says. Edward looked terrible. He looked like a muggle who hadn't gotten sleep in a long time. I walk into the room where Bella is laying on the sofa. "Hey, Bella," I say. "They're all talking about killing him, right?" she asks sadly. "Him?" I ask. "I'm assuming it's a boy. I'm not really sure though," she admits. "Edward is keen on getting rid of him. But Rosalie won't let him. They're probably arguing right now," I say. "You'll help me though, right? I want my baby to live," Bella says. "Are you sure? The baby might kill you before he even comes out," I point out. "I want to give him a chance. Whether it kills me or not," Bella says. "If that's what you really want," I say hesitantly. Bella looks at me with pleading eyes. "Then of course I'll help you," I say gently. "Thank you," she says with a small smile.

Just then, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," Carlisle calls out. I hear him open the door and I hear Jacob's voice. "Who is it?" Bella asks. "Jacob," I mouth to her. "Carlisle's telling him that it's not the best time and he should leave," I whisper. "Why? Are we keeping secrets from Jacob now too? What's the point?" she asks, her voice back to normal now. "Tell Carlisle to let Jacob in," Bella tells me. I peek my head out the door where Carlisle was expecting me. "She wants you to let him in," I say. Carlisle nods grimly and opens the door wider to let Jacob in. Jacob comes in but stops suddenly at the sight of Edward. He looks around the room and stops at Bella. Bella smiles weakly before she starts looking nauseous. Rosalie grabs a bin and speeds over to Bella just in time for her to throw up in the bin. Edward joins me at my side with pain all over his face.

"Sorry about that," Bella apologizes to Jacob. Jacob starts walking towards Bella when Rosalie suddenly appears in front of him, blocking his way. Lately, Rose has been very protective of Bella. She doesn't let anyone get near Bella unless Bella says otherwise. "Rose, it's fine," Bella says and Rosalie hesitantly moves away, letting Jacob through. "Bella, what happened? What's wrong?" Jacob asks as he crouches next to her. Bella looks to me. "She's pregnant," I say slowly. At this, Bella slowly get up, showing the bump on her belly which had grown significantly larger since yesterday. Jacob has a look of disgust on his face when beside me, Edward spoke up, "Jacob, let's take this outside." "Let's do this," he says looking around the room. His gaze settles on me for a moment before he turns to leave.

A few minutes later, the two of them return and Edward says, "Jacob wants to talk to Bella privately." "Over my dead body," Rosalie hisses. "Rose," I mutter. Rosalie glares at me. "It's fine Rose. I trust Jacob," Bella says. Rosalie sends Jacob a death glare before storming out of the room and the rest of us follow after her.

"Calm down, Rose," I say. "You don't get it. That dog can kill her and the baby if he loses control. Werewolves are dangerous," Rosalie fumes. "I don't think that Jacob's going to kill Bella," I tell Rosalie. "Can't you cast some spell to keep Jacob away? Bella may trust that dog, but I don't," Rosalie continues. "A shielding charm?" I ask. "Yes!" Rosalie exclaims. "Why are you so keen on keeping the baby alive?" I ask. "No reason. It's just a baby and he shouldn't be hurt," Rosalie says. I raise an eyeball, knowing that she was lying. "Ugh, fine. I've always wanted a baby and I can't have one so Bella's the second best option," Rosalie admits. "You don't care that Bella might die?" I ask. Rosalie shuts up at this and speeds back into the room. Jacob comes out a few seconds later. Rosalie had kicked him out.

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