7 - The Unbreakable Vow

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My fourth year was relatively uneventful. Most of the castle was in a frenzy because of the mass murderer's escape from Azkaban. Everyone feared that Sirius Black would come for Hogwarts.

"Might as well close down the castle if everyone's so scared," I say while studying for my Defense Against the Dark Arts quiz. "If they closed Hogwarts, I wouldn't have to take this quiz. It's so frustrating! I don't get any of it," I complain. "Let me look at what you're studying," Cedric offers. He looks over the page. "Ok. Just remember, you can tell if someone's a vampire by their pale skin and eye color," he says. "We'll need to know more than that. Their skin and eyes are just the basics," I whine. "Well, they have super speed and strength. And they're supposedly attractive," he adds on. "If you met a vampire, who would you find more attractive? Me or the said vampire?" he asks. "You. Obviously," I say confidently. He grins. "Their skin is cold," he adds. "Like a vampire's going to let you touch their skin," I say. "You're way too stressed about this quiz. I'm sure you'll do just fine. Wanna cuddle?" he suggests. I agree and we cuddle on the sofa by the fireplace.

I'm sitting in the classroom taking the quiz. "How does one become a vampire?" Shit. Don't they have to get bitten by another vampire? And then the venom has to spread and reach the heart. Damn, I'm good at this. I write down the answer. "What would be something that's positive and negative at the same time for a vampire?" I don't know. How the fuck am I supposed to know this? I write down something about them not aging. "What are the five ways you can tell if someone is a vampire?" Pale skin. Eye color. Speed. Strength. Shit, what was the last one? I think back to my conversation with Cedric last night. "Their skin is cold." Cedric had said. Cold-blooded! I write down my answers quickly and speed through the rest of the test.

"How'd you do?" Cedric asks as soon as I got my test back. "Hundred. Thanks for your help," I say with a huge grin. "I am curious though," I say slowly. "About what?" he asks. "About whether or not anyone can turn into a vampire. Does it have to be a muggle? Can it be a wizard? Or a werewolf?" I ask. "Probably not a werewolf," Cedric says. "Why not?" I ask. "Werewolves and vampires are sworn enemies. Us wizards are in the middle. Neutral," Cedric says. "How do you know that?" I ask. "I'm a prefect. I know a lot of things," he says with a smile. "But the textbook also says that a vampire can kill someone easily. Why do they let the venom spread and turn someone else into a vampire if they could just satisfy their thirst and drink said person's blood?" I ask. "I don't know. You won't ever have to worry about a vampire laying a finger on you," he says. I raise an eyebrow. "Dumbledore has a treaty with the vampires in most parts of the world. Well, technically, it was an unbreakable vow. If a vampire kills a wizard or witch that attended Hogwarts, then the vampire would die," he says. "You sure know a lot about this," I say. "I took extra Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons," he says proudly.

When my birthday rolled around, Cedric got me an awesome present. "Tickets to the Quidditch World Cup this summer. With me and my dad. Awesome, right?" he asks with a large grin. "Thank you so much!" I say. "Do you love me for it?" he asks teasingly. "I loved you even before that," I answer truthfully. "That's nice to know," he says. He pauses. "I love you too. You mean everything to me," he says. He gives me a kiss.

"Hey, you two lovebirds! Wanna play a game?" Poppy shouts from the other side of the room. Cedric looks at me. "Sure," I say. We join Poppy and Heather on the floor. "You guys playing a game? We'll join you," someone says. Annabel and Cho plop themselves next to Cedric. "What are we playing?" Cho asks in a fake sweet voice. "Truth or Dare. The only game fit for this occasion," Annabel says. Poppy and I exchange unsure looks. "Are we playing or what? I'll go first," Annabel says. "Cedric, truth or dare?" she asks. "Dare," Cedric says confidently. Annabel smirks. "Kiss Cho," she says. Cedric looks at me unsurely. "It's a dare, Ced. You have to do it," Cho says. "She's right. It is a dare. You have to do a dare," I say, narrowing my eyes at Annabel. Maybe I could toss her off the top of the castle.

Cedric gives Cho a kiss and I feel a wave of jealousy wash over me. Cedric tries to pull away but Cho grabs Cedric's head and continues kissing him intently. Cedric finally pushes her away. "What the hell, Cho? I have a girlfriend!" he yells. "I should be your girlfriend! Not her! ME! Didn't you feel anything just now? We're meant for each other!" Cho argues. "Let's get one thing straight," Cedric growls. "I will never look at you the way I look at her. I will never treat you the way I treat her. You will never be on my mind the way she always is," he pauses. He grabs me and kisses me intently. "I will never kiss you the way I kiss her. And I will never love you the way I love her." Cho's face is full of shock and Annabel's was filled with anger.

"That was very sweet," I offer. "I didn't want to kiss her in the first place. And that-" he starts to say. He pauses to think about what to say next. I raise an eyebrow. "Nevermind. I can't call anyone that," he says sheepishly. "You're too sweet," I say, giving him a quick kiss.

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