11 - Do I Annoy You?

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"I'm Edward Cullen," he says slowly. I look at him closely. There's no way this could be Cedric. Cedric's gone. I snap out of it and I shake my head slightly. "Sorry. You just remind me of someone I used to know. I'm Brooke," I mutter. I look at him closely. There's something off about him. Why is he so pale- then it hit me - vampire. He looks at me with interest. He's a freaking vampire. I am so dead. He's going to kill me the minute I'm alone. Maybe I should get my wand. He jerks up. Why is he like that? Probably planning on how to kill me. Maybe I can apparate back to Hogwarts. Wait- nevermind, I can't do that. What was that thing Cedric told me last year. I smile smugly. He can't hurt me. If he did, he would die. Oh, the perks of an unbreakable vow. I should get away from him in case he doesn't care about dying though.

After class, I walk into the office. "Excuse me," I say to the woman at the desk. "Yes, honey?" she asks. "I was wondering if you could change my class. Biology's a bit too hard for me," I say. She takes out a folder. "There's one opening for Introduction to Science," she tells me. "Can I take that?" I ask. She nods and scribbles down something.

Later as I walk through the parking lot, the whole Cullen family was looking at me with curiosity. Fuck. They're all going to kill me together. They're going to gang up on me. The Cullen with short spiky hair walks over to me. "Hi, I'm Alice," she says, holding out her hand. "Brooke," I say, not wanting to touch her hand. The minute I shake her hand, she's going to grab me and kidnap me. And then they're going to kill me. Across the parking lot, Edward lets out a muffled laugh. "Can you come with us for a second?" she asks. "I actually have to get home," I say quickly. "You don't have a car, do you? We'll give you a ride," she offers. How the fuck am I supposed to get out of this one. "It's really fine. Walking's good for you," I say. What kind of lame excuse is that. "No. We insist," Alice says, pushing me towards the rest of her family. I flinch at how cold her skin was. I reluctantly get into their car. Kidnappers. If they had a white van- "We're not going to kill you," Edward says. "Who said anything about killing?" I ask. "You thought we were going to kidnap you and kill you. Your thoughts are pretty loud," he says.

"A witch, huh?" the blonde girl says. "What witch?" I ask trying to hide it. Edward rolls his eyes. "I heard you thinking about taking out your wand," Edward says. "That. Is not fair. Leave my thoughts alone," I say. He grins. For a second, I don't see Edward at all. I see Cedric with the grin he always gave me. "Who's Cedric?" Edward asks curiously. "No one," I mutter. "It's obvious that he's someone since every time you talk to me you think of him," he says. "I told you to leave my thoughts alone. Besides, you just drove past my house," I point out. "It's not as easy as you think to tune someone's thoughts out when they're so loud and filled with sorrow," he says. I scowl. "Do I annoy you?" he asks. "Yes. You annoy me very much. That's the one thing that's different about you and Cedric. Cedric was not annoying," I sneer. "I still don't know who Cedric is," he says. I grumble to myself, cursing at him silently in my head. I grab my wand. "Accio Picture," I mutter. I hear a loud crash and I cringe. The framed picture flies out and lands in my hand.

"That. Is Cedric. My boyfriend who was killed in some graveyard," I say, pointing at Cedric. The one named Jasper tenses up. "What?" I ask. "Nothing. I just remembered something," he says quickly. Lie. Stupid vampires lying right to my face. Just my luck. The one town I choose to live in has annoying stuck up vampires. Edward's brows furrowed. "Are we stupid, annoying, stuck up vampires?" he asks. "Is this one cursing at us inside her head? I like her," the one named Emmett says. "There is nothing to like about me," I say, reaching for the door. "Bye! See you tomorrow!" Alice says in a cheery voice. "Bye, Alice," I say. As I walk away from the car, Emmett is complaining about how I didn't say bye to him. "She says it's because she likes Alice better," Edward calls out. Stupid vampire reading my mind. I should've studied occumelency. I walk into the house and I collapse on the bed. Finally some sleep. What a day.

The next day at lunch, Jessica sits with me again. "The Cullens are staring at you," she tells me. I'M IGNORING YOU, EDWARD. "I don't care. They're annoying and I'm ignoring them," I say stubbornly. "I saw you get into their car yesterday," she points out. "Yeah. They made me," I say. "Don't look now, but Alice is coming," she says. I turn around quickly and sure enough, Alice was heading towards me. "You don't mind if we borrow Brooke, do you?" Alice asks sweetly. Jessica shakes her head and Alice grabs me. And just like that, I was stuck between the Cullens again.

"I don't get why you guys want to be near me so much," I say. "You look like you need some friends," Alice says. "I am perfectly fine with being alone. In case I didn't tell you yesterday, I've been alone for the last few weeks and I liked it," I say. Then something in my bag begins to glow. I reach in and I pull out the mirror Heather gave me. "I'm going to the bathroom," I say quickly. I run into the bathroom and I grab my wand. "Muffliato," I say and I look into the mirror. "Hi, Brooke! How's it going in America?" Heather asks. "Fine. Had a run in with some vampires," I say. "I think it's very stupid of you to talk about vampires that openly," Alice's cheery voice says. I whirl around and I see Alice. "I cast a spell already!" I say. "Are you tired of America yet? We miss you!" Poppy says. "I miss you too. But right now I have classes, so can I talk to you guys later?" I ask. Heather nods and they disappear from the mirror.

"You have biology next with Edward! Let's go!" Alice rushes. "I actually changed classes. Biology was to hard for me," I say. Alice stops. "Fine, I guess. We'll see you after school!" Alice says.

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