13 - What an Ego

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       We get back to Forks and I say bye to Edward. "See you tomorrow in school," I tell him. That night, I hear some noises from downstairs. I grab my wand from my nightstand and I mutter, "Lumos." I slowly walk downstairs and I nearly drop my wand. "Edward! What the hell are you doing?" I ask. "I need to get away from my family for a while. Mind if I crash? You have an extra room right?" he asks. "I mean- yeah, I have an extra room. Why all of a sudden though?" I ask. "Just Rosalie. Bothering me about Bella and stuff," Edward mutters. "Alright. Do you need a bed?" I ask. "Vampires don't sleep," he says in a low voice. He storms to the second bedroom. Again with his mood swings.

          The next morning, I make myself a smoothie with this contraption muggles call a blender. Suddenly, Edward was beside me. "Is that good?" he asks. "Not to you," I say. "What's good to me is blood. And there's a whole human standing right next to me. And she's filled with magical blood which makes it that much better. What do you call yourselves? Purebloods?" Edward teases. "I am very tempted to spill this smoothie on you," I say. "Come on. Let's get to school," he says picking me up. Cedric used to do this. "Still hung up on Cedric?" he asks. "Of course. He was the love of my life," I say.

         "I can't imagine you being romantic," Edward says. "Excuse me-" I start to say. "You are always so depressed and snappy," he interrupts. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, slightly offended. "You should get to class," Edward says, pushing me towards my classroom. I roll my eyes and I head for my first-period class.

       "Hello. You must be Bella Swan?" I ask Bella as she sits down next to me for Algebra. "Yes. I am. What about you?" she asks. "Brooklyn. Brooke for short," I tell her. She gives me a small smile.

        "She's pretty shy," I tell Edward as we walk to my car. "You are getting better at driving," Edward says as I pull into my driveway. "That's thanks to you," I tell him honestly. "Can you stay very still for a minute?" he asks me. Slowly and hesitantly, he starts to lean in. His cold lips touch mines. It felt nice but it wasn't like when Cedric kissed me. There was no spark. He pulls away. "That wasn't very right, was it?" he asks. I shake my head slightly and he storms out of the car. What was his problem?

           Edward avoided me all day. Fine, he can be like that. I leave the house to buy my groceries. "Where are you going?" he asks. "To the store," I say, grabbing the keys. When I get to my car, Edward was seated in the passenger seat. "I thought you were avoiding  me?" I ask. "No. I was sulking," he says. "I thought you were mad at me?" I ask. "I was mad with myself. For kissing you," he mutters.

          "What else do you do other than homework?" Edward asks. "Nothing. I just lie around," I answer. "We should go watch a movie," Edward says. "A movey?" I ask. A smug grin appears on his face and he lifts me up. "Stop that!" I say.

            We arrive at the movie theater and Edward buys us our tickets. "Oh my god," a shrilly voice says behind us. We turn to see Jessica and Mike Newton. "Are you two like a thing now? We have to go on a double date!" Jessica squeals. I stare at her blankly. "A double date?" I ask. "Come on!" Jessica says, grabbing my hand. I look at Edward and he shrugs. I ended up sitting in between Edward and Jessica while watching a series of pictures move.

            "Sooo? How'd you like it?" Edward asks. "It was good. For a muggle invention," I say. "You act like muggles are terrible. Yet you live amongst them," he says. "I don't think muggles are terrible. Wizards are just better," I say. "What an ego," he mutters. "I have an ego?" I say in shock. "Yes. You do. Come on, let's go get some food for your human appetite," he says.
          A few days later, Edward finally got the courage to talk to Bella. "Maybe, it's time you get the courage to talk to Rosalie," I suggest one day. "Are you trying to get me out of your house?" he asks teasingly. "No. If you moved out, I would be lonely," I tease back. "Guess I'm staying forever," he says. "Or until I die. Unlike vampires, wizards and witches don't live forever," I point out. "So you'll let me be lonely but you can't be lonely?" he asks. "Well I don't have control over death," I say. He's quiet for a while. "What?" I ask. "You know that Alice can see possible futures right?" he asks. I nod slowly. "Well, she might have seen something about you," Edward says. "About me what?" I ask. "It wasn't very clear, so I'm not sure either," he says. I look at his face to detect any hint of lies.

        Months passed and I saw less and less of Edward. He was always spending his time with Bella. At night he would leave the house and go to hers to "watch her sleep because it was peaceful." "You know, people usually find it creepy when someone is watching them sleep," I tell him when he first told me what he was doing at night. "She won't find it creepy if she doesn't find out," Edward says. "She's going to find out one day and she'll be pissed when she does," I say smugly. Edward stormed out and didn't come back that day.

          Rosalie came that week. "I hate that Bella girl. She's going to blow our cover and we're going to have to leave Forks. Just when I was getting comfortable and settled in!" she rants. "She knows you guys are vampires?" I ask. "Edward's going to tell her! He's an idiot! Humans are not supposed to know what we are!" she complains. "I know you guys are vampires," I say. "Well, you figured it out yourself. And you're a witch, so it doesn't count," Rosalie says. The front door slams open and Edward comes in.

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