8 - Told You I'd Catch You

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"You're my son's girlfriend, huh?" Amos Diggory asks after Cedric introduces me to his father. "Yeah. Brooklyn Macmillan," I say. "Macmillan? You're George's daughter?" he asks, taken back by this. "Yeah," I say. "Dad, we don't want to miss the port key," Cedric says. "Right. Port Key. We're meeting with the Weasleys if you don't mind," Amos says, leading the way into the forest.

"They should be here any second now," Amos says, checking his watch. "Babe, come with me," Cedric says. I follow him to the stump of a tree. He starts climbing the tree. "I can't climb trees," I say. He rolls his eyes playfully and holds out a hand. I grab it and he helps me up. "Isn't this romantic?" he asks. We're surrounded by leaves. He kisses me and I kiss him back. "Oh, they're here," he says, looking down. "How are we supposed to get back down?" I ask. I was regretting this decision already. "We jump," Cedric says. "Jump?" I ask in a panicked voice. I look down and I gulp. We were very high up. "Don't worry. I'll go down first and then I'll catch you," he says. He jumps down. "This charming young lad must be your son," I hear Arthur Weasley say. I look down to see Cedric waiting for me. I take a deep breath and I jump.

I let out a scream and I shut my eyes, preparing to hit the ground. Instead, I feel strong arms wrap around me so I open my eyes. "Told you I'd catch you," Cedric says with a grin. "Thank you for catching me," I say. "I'll always be there to catch you," he says. "Let's get going," Arthur yells. We take a portkey and we arrive at the Quidditch World Cup.

"Wow," I say, awestruck by how many witches and wizards were here. "Only magical creatures are allowed here. This place is off limits to muggles. Ah, thank you," Amos explains as he takes a sheet of paper from the camp director. "Here we are. Our tent," Amos says. We enter and the tent contains two bedrooms, one bathroom and one kitchen. Basically what muggles call apartments. "We should go and get some stuff for the game," Cedric suggests. I follow him into the market that was set up by the stadium.

"Binoculars?" he asks. "I don't think we'll need them. My eyesight's pretty good," I say. We ended up just buying some pamphlets and a poster of Viktor Krum. Cedric claimed that he's the best seeker. We watch the match and it ended with the Irish winning. "That was an interesting match," Cedric says. "Krum may be the best seeker, but he isn't that smart academically," I say. Cedric raises an eyebrow. "Well, why would he go catch the snitch if the Irish were 160 points ahead?" I say, trying my best not to be offensive. Cedric shrugs.

We reach our tent and we go to our room. "I'm wiped," he says. I slip on a hoodie for the night. Suddenly something crashes into me and I'm flying through the air. Before I knew it, I was on the bed with Cedric's arms around me. I sit up quickly. "You tackled me!" I accuse him while trying to act mad. He grins sheepishly. "You were taking too long. I grew impatient," he says. "Cedric, at lest let me put some shorts on. I'm only in my underwear," I say, growing self concious. He pretends to think about it. "Nah. I like it better this way," he says. He buries his head in my hair. "You big baby. It should be me burying my head in your chest," I complain. He opens up his arms and lets me bury my head in his chest. I curl up beside him. We fell asleep like that.

Someone was pushing me gently. "What Ced?" I ask groggily. He says something along the lines of, "...we have to... here." I feel myself being picked up. When my eyes finally decide to open, Cedric is no longer beside me. "Sleeping Beauty's finally awake," someone says. I sit up quickly. "What happened?" I ask. "Cedric told us to look after you," George says. "Oh. Where'd he go?" I ask. "He went with his dad somewhere with our dad," Fred answers. "Oh," I say. "He'll be back soon," Ginny Weasley says. I stand up and I realize something. "Fuck!" I yell, remembering why I didn't have any shorts on. "You're lucky that hoodies so big," Fred says with a huge grin. I feel my cheeks burning from embarassment. I pull the hem of my hoodie down a little lower.

A little while later, we're reunited with the others. Amos looks at my bare leg and Cedric holds back a laugh. "It's your fault I had to stand out there like that," I grumble. He lets out a laugh. "It wasn't funny! It was mortifying!" I say. "I'm sorry," he says with a grin on his face. "You aren't," I say. "You're right. It was hilarious," Cedric says.

I stumble over something and Cedric catches me. "That's twice I caught you today," he says. "Well you promised you would catch me," I say. "I think for saving your life, you should forgive me and cuddle with me," he says. "That barely would've killed me," I protest. He gives me a pout. "Fine," I say, giving in. "But only because you're adorable," I say with a smile. "You're cuter," he says. "No, you are," I say. He picks me up and throw me over his shoulder. "Cedric Diggory! Let me down now!" I demanded. Why did he have to be so strong? I'm above average height for my age. Or was it because I'm too light? He gently puts me on the bed. "Who's cuter now?" he asks. "Still you," I say stubbornly. He grabs a pillow and raises an eyebrow. "Fine! I'm cuter!" I say, not wanting to get hit by a pillow. "That's right," he says, laying down besides me. "I can't believe I let you threaten me with a pillow," I grumble. He grins and gives me a kiss.

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