23 - Because I'm Jealous!

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~ Edward ~

"What do you mean she's gone?" I ask in a frustrated voice. "She's not here. She left Forks," Alice says. "Well, where is she?" I demand. Alice squeezes her eyes shut, looking into Brooke's future. "I'm not sure. She's surrounded by snow," Alice says. "Why is she doing this?" I ask. "Simple. She's jealous," Rosalie says. "Jealous?" I ask. "What you feel when Jacob flirts with Bella," Alice explains. "Why is she jealous?" I ask. "Because she fell for you," Emmett says with a smirk. "That's not possible," I say. "Actually it is. She believes that you were Cedric in your human life," Carlisle says. "Is that possible?" I ask. "All evidence points to it," Carlisle says. I let out a groan.

In Alice's thoughts, I see the view of a familiar place. "Wait, Alice, that's Denali National Park. Is Brooke there?" I ask. Alice squints. "Yes. She's there," Alice says. "Then she's in Alaska," I conclude. "Call Tanya. Tell them we'll be going to their place," I order. Bossy, Emmett thinks as he dials the Denali coven on the phone.

As we arrive in Denali, Tanya greets us. "You might want to stay away from Irina. She's still upset about Laurent," Tanya says. "Of course. Sorry for crashing so suddenly," Carlisle apologizes. "That's alright. This is what family's for," Tanya says. "Have you seen a newborn vampire around Denali?" I ask. "I would hope not. Newborns are uncontrollable. Imagine what would happen if there was one in Denali," Kate says. "She has a lot of... control," I say. "She? Is this newborn a girl?" Elezar teases. "She's half-witch, half vampire," Carlisle explains. "Well, isn't that cool. Why is she in Denali?" Carmen asks. "To get away from Edward," Rosalie says smugly. "You scared her off?" Elezar asks. "I didn't-" I start to say. "Yes, he did," Rosalie answers for me. "Rose.." I groan. "What? It's your fault my friend is here," Rosalie snaps. "We actually saw someone once. In the mountains. A family of wizards used to visit that place every winter but it's been vacant for a while now," Tanya says. "Where is it?" I ask. "It's kind of deep in the mountains. I can show you after lunch," Tanya offers. "She must be very pretty if she caught your eye," Kate teases. "She is pretty. But I love Bella," I say. "What does she look like?" Carmen asks. "She has light brown hair," I start to say. "Is she the one you brought here a few years ago?" Elezar asks. I had completely forgotten she's been here before. "Yeah, her," I answer.

Rosalie and I follow Tanya up the mountains. "She's somewhere near here," I say. "How would you know?" Rosalie asks. "I can hear her thoughts in the distance," I say. "Here we are," Tanya announces. I look at the mansion hidden in the mountains with large windows. I see Brooke in the distance with a dog. A husky to be exact. She had a smile on her face, one that wasn't there when she was with us. "Maybe she's happier here," I say. I turn to see Rosalie gone. She was already heading towards Brooke. I let out a groan as I start to follow her.

Brooke looks up. "Brooke..." Rosalie says, pulling her into an awkward hug. "Come back with us," Rosalie pleads. "I can't," Brooke whispers. "Why not?" Rosalie demands. "I don't want to hurt anyone," she says. "You're not going to hurt anyone," Rosalie says. "You don't know what I can do. I can hurt Bella without meaning to," she says quietly. Rosalie's quiet. "Rosalie, let me talk to her," I say. Rosalie rolls her eyes as she walks back to Tanya.

"Come back to Forks with us," I say. "I already decided to stay here- how did you even find me?" she asks in an annoyed tone. "Alice and Tanya. You realize that you're delaying a wedding. Bella and I don't want to get married if you're not going to be there," I say. "Well, congratulations. I wish the best for both of you," she says sarcastically. "Why are you acting like this?" I ask furiously as she turns to leave. "Oh, I don't know! Maybe because I fell in love with you and I'm jealous!" she yells. "You- what?" I ask. "Just leave," she says. "Brooke, I'm not leaving Denali without you," I say stubbornly. "You still want me at your wedding? You're not afraid of me killing Bella out of jealousy?" she asks. "You and Jacob both. You want me and Jacob wants Bella. Both of you can kill me or Bella out of jealousy. But it's a risk I'm willing to take," I say. "God, Edward. I don't know if I can. I can't leave Storm here alone," she says. "Storm?" I ask blankly. "My husky," she says. "Right. You can bring Storm back to Forks. She can live at our place," I say. "Storm's a boy," she corrects me. "Oh," I say. "Just come back with us. Please?" I ask. "I don't think it's a good idea," she says. "It won't be the same without you," I say. "Fine," she says, giving in.

"Brooke!" Alice squeals as I bring Brooke back to the Denali Coven. Alice gives Brooke a hug. "We missed you, Brookey!" Emmett says. Brooke lets out a carefree laugh. "I missed you too, Emmett," she says. "You guys are invited to the wedding too," I tell Tanya. "We wouldn't miss it," Kate says. "What about Irina?" I ask. "I'm sure she wouldn't want to miss your wedding. We'll make sure she's there," Tanya says.

Emmett and Rosalie have grown quite fond of Brooke's dog. Rose's reason was that she's always wanted a baby and this was the closest she could get to one. Emmet, well, he just likes playing ball with the dog because no one else would. Everyone was too busy with wedding plans. "Maybe we should get them their own puppy as a gift," Bella suggests as she watches Emmett and Storm roll on the ground, fighting for a rubber ball. "We already have a lot of dogs here," I say. Bella scrunches up her nose and says, "If you're talking about Jacob, he's a wolf." "Close enough," I say. "Speaking of, did he respond to the wedding invitation?" Bella asks. "I don't think so," I answer. She frowns. "I thought he would be able to set aside his differences and support his friends," she says. "I'm sure he'll come," I assure her. She gives me a small smile and kisses me.

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