19 - Stick in the Mud

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"Someone was in Bella's room," Edward announces. Everyone was gathered in the living room. "It was a vampire. I didn't recognize the scent so I've never met this vampire before. Our best guess is that it was someone from the Volturi," Edward continues. "Did they do anything to Bella's room? Leave any hints?" I ask. "They were careful to not come in contact with anything," Edward answers. "Are we positive that this is a threat? Whoever it was didn't hurt anyone. We can't rule out the fact that they might not be an enemy," Esme says. "It doesn't matter whether or not they're an enemy. Just the fact that they were looking for me shows us how dangerous this is. We shouldn't wait for graduation. Carlisle should change me now," Bella argues. "No, Bella. We're going to be more careful from now on. It's nothing dangerous. Come on, I'll bring you home," Edward says while grabbing his car keys.

Edward returns shortly after. "Someone has to guard her house at all times," Edward declares. "Oh, Brooke and I can go. Charlie loves us," Alice offers. "Is that alright with you, Brooke?" Edward asks. "I'm not that good at defending myself," I say. "Alice will be with you," Edward says. "Alright then. I guess I'm going," I say. "We can always convince Charlie to let us have a sleepover. That way we can be in the house and have fun with Bella at the same time," Alice suggests. "Whatever you say, Alice," I say.

We arrive at Bella's house at night and Alice rings the doorbell. Charlie opens the door, clearly surprised at who would be visiting this late. "Hi, Charlie! We were wondering if we could have a sleepover if you don't mind," Alice says in her cheery voice. "Of c-course, come on in," Charlie stutters. He brings us to Bella's room where she's reading a book on her bed. "Is this the boring things you do when we're not around?" Alice asks while tossing her bag on Bella's chair. I gently place my duffel bag, with my pajamas, clothes, and other necessities, down on her floor. Bella is surprised that we're here but that doesn't show after her face gleams up at the sight of us. "It's like we're the light in your life," I tease. "You guys definitely are. After Edward of course," Bella says. "After Edward? I think we ought to be first," I say as Alice pouts. "Fine. You guys can tie with Edward," Bella says. "Did someone say my name?" Edward's voice says.

I look up. Edward is climbing through Bella's window. "Well. If you were going to be here anyway, what was the point of sending us?" I huffed. "Stick in the mud," Alice whispers. "I agree with Alice," Edward says jokingly. "I am not a stick in the mud. I will prove that to you right now!" I say. "Tell me one thing to do," I tell Alice. "Steal a bottle of alcohol and chug it," Alice says. "That's a bit severe," Edward says. "And my dad's the chief police. He'll be able to tell the smell of alcohol," Bella points out. I smile smugly at Alice.

Before I knew it, I was getting ready to graduate. "I'm throwing a graduation party," Alice anounces. "Are you sure tha's a good idea?" I ask. "It'll be fun," Alice says. "That's what you said last time," Bella says. This shuts Alice up. "I mean, a small party won't hurt anyone, right?" I say, trying to cheer Alice up. "My birthday party was small," Bella says. "Well no one got hurt. I think we should go for it," I say. "Thank you, Brooke," Alice says, smiling brightly at me.

On graduation day, Rosalie picked out a black floral dress for me. "...They're considering it as a serial killer now," Edward's voice says outside the room Rosalie was doing my hair in. I try to hear some more about what Edward was talking about but Rosalie pulls me over to the vanity to do my makeup. "Done. You're ready to graduate!" Rosalie says.

I sit in the audience as Jessica Stanley makes her valectodorian speech. It wasn't until I recieved my diploma until I realized it was truly over. I had graduated muggle high school.

The Cullen house was lit up by thousands of twinkling lights. It was impossible to miss and you could see the glow from miles away. The inside of the house was like a night club with pulsing red and purple lights. Alice had really outdone herself this time. Rosalie had lent me a rose gold dress as she matched me with a silver one.

Midway through the party, I see Bella having a serious discussion with three of the guests. "Hey, Bella!" I say. "Brooke, this is Jacob," Bella says. I look at Jacob, who definetly wasn't a vampire. "Anything special about him?" I ask. "Quilete. Werewolf," Bella says simply. The guy next to Jacob lets out a snarl. "You can't just tell people that," Jacob growls. "Relax. She's a magical being herself," Bella assures Jacob. She turns to me. "Have you seen Alice?" she asks me. "I think she slipped out onto the porch with Edward, Carlisle, and Esme," I inform her. "Let's go," Bella says, grabbing me hand. She leads me out to the porch where four vampires stood.

The porch door opens again and the three werewolves appear. "What are they doing here?" Alice asks, her eyes narrowing. "We deserve to know," Jacob says. Alice sighs. "The decision's been made. They're coming here. To Forks," Alice says. "Here? To Forks? But we don't have enough people to defend Forks!" Bella exclaims. "How many do you guys have?" Jacob asks. "Seven vampires and a witch," Edward answers. "She's a witch?" One of the guys next to Jacob asks in disbelief. "A witch straight from Hogwarts," I say proudly. "That's awesome. Don't you guys have some fire making spell?" Jacob asks. "Yes but, don't you have to rip a vampire to pieces first to set them on fire and then kill them?" I ask. "Depends on the strength of the fire," Edward answers. "We have a few advantages. It should be an even fight," Carlisle adds. "We don't want an even fight and you won't get an even fight," Jacob says with a grin. Next to him, Alice grins and says, "Excellent." The werewolves were joining the fight.

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