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Rays of light had been bestowed upon the dense forest area, signalling another morning.

A hump on the snowy ground could be distinctly seen as falling snow keeped on pouring, decorating the whole world into white.

"Su Xiu... " As if the one being called, the hump stirred slightly as whispering voices continued, "Su Xiu, wake up... " Her consciousness slowly aroused from the darkness covering her. Drifting on and off, she struggled to focus on that voice who was calling her name. "Su Xiu, your siblings need you. Wake up now!...."

Jolting awake, Su Xiu opened her eyes only to feel very cold. Without her thick clothing that provided her some magical warmth, she would have been long frozen from being burried under the snow for hours.

"This clothing is not just thick and superior grade but also very useful in warding cold... " Su Xiu remarked, thinking that this was not a wasted resources.

Patting the snow off of her while standing up, Su Xiu noticed that a long time had passed already since her siblings' kidnapping. She thought of their situation and hoped that the fairy eggs could hatched sooner. With that, Su Xui would have a connection to them and would be able to easily save them from a distance. However, Su Xiu couldn't just rely her siblings safety with just like this. What if the fairy eggs will take longer to hatch? What will happen by then?

With a sober mind, Su Xiu thought of making a plan first. She couldn't just barge in the capital without any identity. Also, she need to get acquainted with powerful people for her to go inside the capital without any occuring problems. Going to the capital alone was a long and dangerous travel from the remote Hidden Village.

With these matters and some precautions, Su Xiu would take a month or so to fully implement her plans alone. What will happen to her siblings during that time? What if the one who caught them was a twisted, sick man who love torturing young children?

Different scenarios had plagued Su Xiu's mind, making her worry and concern evident on her frowning eyebrows.

What Su Xiu needed the most in this type of situation was an immediate action. She had to act fast or her siblings would be put to a much greater danger the longer the days passed by.

First, Su Xiu needed to borrow an influential man's power to gain advantages against that formidable person who kidnapped her siblings. Su Xiu was pretty sure that the perpetuator behind this scheme was related to the Su clan in the capital. What she didnt know was why they did this and what was the real identity of the man who took her siblings.

Only by borrowing the power of someone who had a high authority could she fight without being afraid of repercussion. In that case, there was no other choice but to seek favor from the emperor himself to make sure whoever that formidable person the Su clan had roped in their plotting wouldnt budge or say anything at all.

Su Xui needed first to attract the attention of the imperial family for her plans to be put into fruition.

That person who kidnapped her siblings might be in the road by this time. She can't outrun them using her own two feet so her plans must be done within half a month's notice before they reached the capital.

Su Xui only had this option and she must not fail it.

"Prima, is there a way we could level up faster and jump levels? " Su Xui called, a plan of attracting the imperial family was already forming in her mind.

"Mistress, there are two options. One, you can try absorbing sacred items or magical items into the space. The more powerful it is, the higher the space level will leap up. Second, you can help lost spirits to find justice for them to ascend above peacefully. That way, you can earned merit points. This merit points can help you level up one level at a time without worrying about the completion of entry level tasks...."

TRANSMIGRATION : Raising a Huge Family is Too HardWhere stories live. Discover now