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"Understood, Mistress! " Prima answered in agreement.

After one hour, the dummy fairy vanished, but the task was only halfway done. Compared to the original fairies, this dummy fairy worked slower and used lesser magic. It wasnt even half comparable to low level fairies. The disparity was huge so Su Xiu had to make amends on the situation at hand with her own volition.

Without much other choices, Su Xiu asked Prima to purchase another dummy fairy to finish the unfinished half work done by the previous dummy fairy collector.

After another hour, everything was collected from the area. Prima then, did her own task expertly as the town space secretarial fairy. Though Prima was just a mid level fairy, she had alot of things to do in order to manage the whole space town. Each fairies no matter what their levels were had their specific area of work jurisdiction and couldn't touch other areas outside their own. That's just how rules in the space were mandated.

It didnt take long for Prima to be done with her task and came to report to Su Xiu in their mindlink with the recorded progress of the domain. Even if the level of the dimension would suddenly jumped into 10 from 1, Prima would remained calm when informing her Mistress about that.

With a neutral tone, Prima started reporting the facts saying, "Mistress, here are the recorded items that were just collected. For the mineral rocks, there are quartz, feldspar, mica, halite, calcite, amphibole, granite, basalt, sandstone, limestone, schist, clay, olivine, aquamarine, scheelite, flourite, tanzanite, obsidian, rhyolite and pumice. For the animal species section, there are moths, beetles, centipede, bees, fireflies, mosquitoes, crickets, bed bugs, kissing bugs, sand flies, black flies, termites, horsefly, lepidoptera, true bugs, housefly, cranefly, botfly, blow flies, and tsetse flies. There are 40 new items added for the museum collections. The remaining items left are sold for 120,000 gold coins with 40,000 gold coins coming from the sold new specie items and 80,000 for the repeated selling of the same items. Purchased has been made for the mid level collector fairy. Would you like to open the egg now? "

"Please do... " Su Xiu permitted without any second thoughts.

An egg suddenly appeared before Su Xiu. She opened the middle section of the egg and a fairy came out wearing purple clothing attire.

"Hello, Mistress! I am Musea. I will be managing the museum building from now on...." Musea greeted cheerfully as it cutely saluted towards her master.

"Hello, Musea! I'm glad to have you in my team. You can go in the space now and stay in the museum building. For now, I dont have any specific task for you yet so just manage the museum for me as your jurisdiction required you to be...." Su Xiu greeted it back ang gave small instruction at the mean time.

Musea nodded and said, "Understood, Mistress! " then, it vanished into lightning speed.

Su Xiu then, turned her attention back to the patiently waiting Prima behind the mindlink and said, "Do continue with your updates, Prima..."

Prima answered with an affirmative sound before it continued with business talks, "Mistress, here are the status updates of the space:

Entry Level Tasks:
1.9 completed, collected 30 animal species for the museum, reward received (1000 gold coins)

1.10 completed, collected 30 mineral items for the museum, reward received (1000 gold coins)

Hidden Quests (3/3)
Task 2: Completed, collected 10 mineral items

Task 3: Completed, collected 10 animal species

Pending reward completely received (Access to the 3 additional houses)

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