9. People are Stupid

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It was lunchtime and there was still no sign of Ryan. I'd rewritten my English homework as soon as I woke up, so that wasn't a problem. And at a push I could manage without my science project until Thursday. I just hoped that it was still in one piece. I'd done too much of it to want to start it again.

I froze in my spot when my locker came into view. There was red paint all over it. I hurried over, only to find that it wasn't my locker that had the paint on. It was the one above it, but the paint had run down onto my locker too. I felt my skin start to itch as I watched a trickle of red slowly make it's way down my locker. It must have recently been done.

I rushed off into the bathroom and grabbed some wet paper towels. Then I went back and started scrubbing.

"What the fuck do ya think you're doing?" a voice boomed from behind me.

I snapped my body round to find that I was face to face with a rather angry looking Jonas.

"Erm, it was dripping onto my locker," I replied, trying to look anywhere but at his face.

"But you're not cleaning YOUR locker, are you?" he spat back.

I looked over to where I'd been cleaning and he was right. I was cleaning the locker above mine. Because if I had just cleaned mine, it would have continued to drip.

I froze momentarily as I actually looked properly at the locker above mine. Before, I'd only really been focussed on the mess on my locker. And even though I knew that somewhere in my mind I knew what I was cleaning, the actual repercussions of that were only just sinking in.

Because what I was actually doing was cleaning Franz's locker, and across his locker in bright red paint was written the word 'Loser.' Although now it just said 'oser' and that was pretty smudged as well.

"Erm, it was dripping onto mine," I repeated, not sure what else I could say that would get me out of this situation.

By this time we'd attracted quite an audience. That made it worse. Jonas would never back down now he had an audience.

I don't know why but Ryan flashed into my mind. Would he have been able to stop Jonas if he was here?

"I don't care if it was dripping on your locker," Jonas roared while jumping forward and shoving my back up against the bank of lockers.

"In fact, if you want to clean it that badly...." Then he picked me up by my blazer and slammed my back onto the defaced locker before dragging me down the locker in an attempt to wipe it off on the back of my blazer.

The breath was knocked out of my lungs by the slam into the locker and I'd just managed to catch my breath when I was slammed again....and again.

"S-stop, y-ou're hurting m-me," I gasped.

"Good," he snarled before dropping me to the floor.

I crumpled like a sack of potatoes.

"Maybe I want to hurt you," he said, giving me a swift kick which made me curl up into a tight ball.

"And because you destroyed my art work I'm gonna....."

"Teacher's coming!" someone shouted, and I heard the sound of a hundred feet scurrying away.

I also didn't really want to be caught in the fetal position by a teacher, so I dragged my aching body up off the floor and shrugged off my blazer, hoping to hide the paint on the back.

When I didn't hear any steps of an approaching teacher, I raised my head slowly. I jumped slightly when I saw one solitary figure leaning against the lockers on the other side of the corridor.

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