32. A New World

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I sat on a chair outside the new headmistress's office and wiped my sweaty hands on my trousers. I felt stupid in my school uniform, but my dad had insisted it would be harder for them to expel me wearing their school uniform than if I was in my own clothes. I kind of understood the logic, but I'm pretty sure it was more because I didn't have anything smart to wear that wasn't school uniform. I imagine grey joggers and hoodie underneath a black padded body warmer didn't really give off the right impression!

As uncomfortable as I felt, my dad looked worse. He kept pulling at the collar of his shirt like it was trying to strangle him. Which by the way, it wasn't because it was about 2 sizes too big. My dad had never come to school before. It was always my mum that handled anything to do with my education, but my mum had disappeared late last night after getting an unexpected call from Bryan. Apparently he wanted to take her shopping ready for their year long trip abroad. Of course that would come before me.

I snuck glances at my dad out of the corner of my eye. For all his faults, he'd never abandon us like my mum regularly did. Maybe I didn't give him the credit he deserved.

The door in front of us opened.

"Mr Stone, Ryan, please come in."

My dad stood up so quickly that the chair he was sat on fell over and clattered onto the wood floor.

"Sorry! Sorry!" he said, quickly picking up his chair, then hurrying into the office. I just stared after him, realising why it was that he'd never got involved with school before. He looked like he was about to stand trial for murder!

I'd been into the headmaster's office several times before, but it had never looked like this. When Mr Phillips was here, the walls were lined with shelves, covered in old books and trophies. The furniture was old and dated and the whole place looked more like a study from a victorian mansion rather than an office.

Now the room looked modern and fresh. The large book cases had gone and were replaced by just a couple of floating shelves, and several pieces of artwork. I did a double take when I saw that one of the pictures on the wall was signed by a familiar name - a girl from my year.

There was a brand new desk in one corner of the room instead of being in the centre, but this isn't where Mrs Roberts sat. No, she gestured to a rather sleek, modern looking lime green sofa for me and my dad to sit on, while she pulled over a high backed patterned chair to sit on herself.

"It's nice to meet you both," she said with a smile.

"You too," my dad replied. "I've never seen a woman in this job before."

I cringed, but Mrs Roberts didn't miss a beat.

"My local butcher is a woman and my cleaner is a man. It's a new world Mr Stone."

"That it is," my dad replied.

I felt myself taking a few subtle deep breaths.

"So, Ryan," Mrs Roberts said, turning to face me, "we're here today to discuss what happened on the day you were arrested for assault, and to determine your future and whether that will be here at this school or somewhere else. I can promise you one thing now. Nothing has been decided. I thought it was important to get your side of things. Once I've done that today I will be having a meeting with the board of governors tomorrow where a final decision will be made. Do you have any questions?"

"Erm, no, I don't think so," I replied.

"That's ok, but please don't be scared to ask anything at any time ok?"

Indifference (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora