33. A Whole Lot of Sorrys

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For the rest of the week, I threw myself into my work. I'd already missed 3 weeks and had loads to catch up on.

My English project always sat there untouched, constantly taunting me. I knew I needed to finish it, but for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to.

Alicia came over every day after school with the latest work. It was never ending. It was like trying to cross a finish line on a treadmill. No matter how fast I ran, I never actually got anywhere.

It was finally Friday and I felt exhausted. My mum had nipped out to the supermarket, and I took the opportunity to sneak up to my room for a rest. I was drifting in and out of sleep when she came home.

"Elijah, what are you doing?" she said, knocking on my door.

"I'm just having a rest mum," I replied.

"Maybe you should come and rest on the sofa and we could watch some TV together," she suggested.

I knew she was still worried about me. Other than doing my school work, I didn't really do much else. All the things that I used to enjoy, like reading, or playing my violin, just didn't hold any interest for me anymore. All I wanted to do was lie on my bed, and either nap or stare at something.

"I've got a headache mum, so I'm resting my eyes," I replied. "I'll come down when tea's ready."

"Oh, ok then," she said dejectedly, then I heard her walk away.

I must have nodded off because it felt like only seconds before I heard her shout that tea was ready.

I groaned then rolled off the bed, straightening my hair as best as I could by running my hand over it. Just a few weeks ago I would have felt incredibly stressed at having even one hair out of place. Now I couldn't care less.

I sat down at the table in front of a bowl of homemade chicken soup.

"This smells lovely, thanks mum," I said, while picking up my spoon.

I was half way through the bowl when I noticed a pile of school work sat on the other end of the table.

"Has Alicia been?" I said, pointing at the pile.

Instead of answering right away, my mum took another spoonful of soup, which caught my attention.

"Urm, no it wasn't Alicia," she eventually said, then carried on eating.

I put down my spoon and looked at her.

"Then who was it?"

She sighed. "It was that boy, the one who promised me he'd protect you."

"Ryan?!" I said, jumping up. "Ryan was here?!"

My mum looked startled at my sudden movement.

"Yes, why, is that a problem?"

"Yes, it's a problem!" I said, anxiously running my hand through my hair.

"Did he hurt you?" my mum said, standing up too.

"What?! No!" I replied quickly, realising how my reaction might look. "It's a problem because you didn't come and get me. You should have told me he was here!"

"I'm sorry, but you said you had a headache. I did come up, but you were asleep so I thought it was better you got some rest. He didn't seem offended."

"But it was Ryan mum! Always come and get me if it's Ryan! Even if I'm asleep, wake me up!"

I was so frustrated I felt like I was going to cry, so I grabbed the work off the table and ran upstairs to my room.

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