30. A Raging Fire

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A/N - Second update of the day (Make sure you don't miss chapter 29!!)


Earlier in the day

I woke up to sunlight streaming in through my window. I groaned and rolled back over, pulling the duvet back over my head.

"Hey get up lazy arse," Nate said, giving me a swift kick.

"Fuck off," I mumbled, swiping aimlessly with my leg at where I thought he might be standing.

"Look I don't particularly care if you waste your life, but you have 10 minutes before you need to be setting off to school." And then he walked out.

I pulled back the covers and groaned.

I didn't really care much right at this moment for my education, but I did care about putting things right with Elijah.

I dragged myself out of bed and went through my usual morning routine in record time, heading down the stairs just 5 minutes later.

I headed into the kitchen and grabbed two slices of bread that I would eat on my walk in to school.

I was about to head out the door when I heard a phone ringing. I peered into the lounge and saw my dad sitting on the sofa eating some toast, watching the TV.

"What you doing up?" I asked.

"I have an appointment this morning."

"Oh, ok." I didn't care enough to ask what the appointment was for.

The phone was still ringing, and I looked round the room to see my dad's mobile sat on the window sill.

"Your phone's ringing," I said.

My dad looked over.

"Probably isn't anyone important."

The ringing stopped, and I turned to leave when it started ringing again.

I walked back and picked up the phone.

"It's Fitz," I said looking at the caller ID. Fitz was kind of a big deal in the traveller community. He owned the land where the trailer park was where Uncle Jimmy and Eddie lived.

"Oh, chuck it here then," my dad said, and I threw the phone to him.

He caught the phone and answered. I watched in curiosity. It wasn't often that Fitz would call. Especially at this time in the morning.

My dad suddenly sat up straight at whatever Fitz was saying, and I felt this pit of dread settle in my stomach. Something bad had happened.

I waited anxiously for my dad to get off the phone.

When he did, I didn't even need to ask.

"Eddie's in hospital."

I thought my stomach was already on the floor. If it was, it had now just buried itself a mile underground.


"Jimmy found him unconscious just a few meters from the caravan this morning."

"Is he ok?"

"Fitz didn't know, but in the chaos Jimmy left his phone on the floor on the path outside his caravan. Fitz said he probably needs it and wondered if I could take it up to the hospital."

"Come on then, what are you waiting for, let's go!"

My dad shrugged and went back to eating his toast.

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