28. An Accessory

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I lay on my bed strumming away on my guitar. I'm not sure what the song was. All I knew is that it was a sad depressing one with lots of minor chords.

I'd never felt this way before. I'd been angry before, and sad, and frustrated, and confused, so why this all felt new, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I'd never felt the same way about anyone as I did about Elijah. And I had no idea what to do about it.

After he'd stormed out on me, I'd felt angry at first. Angry that he didn't understand that I was just trying to protect him. But after I'd cooled down a little, I realised that I felt more sad than angry and that I really needed to speak to him.

So at lunch time I went looking for him. I did see him, but he was with Franz and I watched as Elijah led him into my hiding spot. OUR hiding spot. I was so pissed off that I decided I'd go and scare them, only I caught some of what was being said before I did, and decided to just eavesdrop instead.

Franz really had got himself into the shit this time. Getting caught between Jonas and Billy and then blackmailing Jonas!! He really did have a death wish. But then why would Elijah get himself caught up in that too?! If only he'd learn to keep his nose out!!!

I knew he was going to come to me at some point and ask for help. I hadn't decided what I was going to say yet, but given my mood at the moment, I doubted it would be anything good.

I heard the front door slam, and then the thud of footsteps running up the stairs, before my bedroom door was flung open.

Nate came tearing in, looking like he'd just run a marathon.

I sat up in alarm.

"Quick!!" he panted. "The police are coming!!"

I jumped up.

"What? Here? Why?!"

"I don't know. Someone ratted Mitch out and they think we're connected? Apparently they're raiding 8 addresses." Mitch was an old friend of Patrick's and was often found at The Pit. He was always up to something dodgy, usually involving drugs.

"WE!!! Where do they get WE from," I shouted in annoyance.

"I don't know," he said with a shrug. "I guess they know that you're a fighter at the Pit and made the connection?"

"But I don't have anything to do with drugs!! Oh god, please tell me you don't have any hidden anywhere?"

"No, but what happened to that stash you nicked off me? It's not much, but apparently they're bringing the dogs."

I felt my face drain of colour. I'd forgotten about the small bags of tablets I took off Nate.

I grabbed my school bag and started rooting through it.

"Your school bag!!" Nate said in shock. "You've been carrying them around school?!!"

"Well I didn't want you to get your hands on them," I said, pulling out the plastic bag.

"Quick, we need to get them out the house," Nate said, "even if they find them in the garden they can't prove they're ours."

"When did you become such an expert," I said, frowning, but I knew he was right.

I was just about to get up when there was an almighty thump on the front door.


"Shit!" Nate said.

I looked at the drugs in my hand. We needed to hide them and quick.

There was an even louder thump on the door, and I knew that they were already using a battering ram to try to get in.

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