Vol 5 Part 4

625 14 4

(3rd Person POV)

Yang was riding Bumblebee with Shay through a forest in Anima.

Yang: How much further, pal?

Shay: This should just about do it.

Yang stopped her bike at a clearing.

Shay: You wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear.

Shay dismounted from the bike and ran into the bushes. Yang shook her head in annoyance and discarded her sunglasses, sleeve and coat tails before stretching a little.

Suddenly, someone pulled the trigger of a gun and Yang blocked the shot with her arm. Shay reappeared with several bandits in tow.

Shay: I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here.

The bandits present all had their weapons drawn at Yang.

Yang: Is this everyone?

Shay: Yes, little lady. This is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way.

He gestured behind him with his thumb. Yang pointed a finger in the same direction.

Yang: That way?

Shay grunted in confusion and looked at his mates.

Shay: Yes. That way.

Yang: Good to know. Thanks.

Shay: Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're going to take your bike. And you're going to take your lumps.

Yang engaged Ember Celica on her left arm. The bandits got cautious and kept their weapons trained on her.

Shay: You got the jump on me last time, sweetheart. But you really ought to think twice about fighting all...

He cut off when Yang engaged the gun on her robotic arm. The rest of the bandits gasped.

Shay: Alright... Get her!

The bandits attacked, and Yang defeated them, quickly.

After the fight, Yang's left hand was shaking once again, but she calmed herself down before walking back to her motorcycle.

Shay: Who are you? It doesn't even matter. When Raven finds out what you did, you're dead!

Yang: Possibly. But I doubt it. I am her daughter, after all.

Shay: I'm dead.

Shay fell to the ground.

(Your POV)

Sleeping was the worst.

You lifted your head off of the pillow and looked around and out the window that overlooked the building. It seemed to be the inside of a warehouse, containers and stacks of boxes were placed everywhere.

You looked at the Vale name repeating on the containers, and it was obvious that either they were incoming from Vale or you were in Vale. It wasn't too cold, and it wasn't too hot. Vale was a safe bet rather than anywhere in Anima.

You shifted the blankets off of you, the cold air hitting your torso as you sat up.

You were somewhere in Vale, and as you looked around you realized it was one of your old safehouses.

Your hand brushed across something and you looked to see that Neo was lying next to you, with no clothes on her.

(Y/N): Mornings are the worst...

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now