Vol 9 Teaser 2

382 9 6

(3rd Person POV)

Lenna continued to row the boat as she approached the ruins of the village that led to where she needed to go.

She was a small, petite, girl with long, sun-kissed, wavy blonde hair that fell to her waist. Her skin was fair, her eyes were cerulean, and her lips were rose-colored.

She made her way to the shoreline, pulling herself against the broken down platform. She quickly wrapped the rope around a sturdier looking section of wood.

She leapt off of her small boat onto the platform, and started her walk towards the village. 

By this time, it was clearly in ruins. The thousands of years that it had not been used had left it in a sorry state. No building stood as it had before, and each had taken some kind of damage, although clearly from various sources.

She trekked through the ruins, moving past the broken wooden and stone structures, stepping through a broken stone arch.

Lenna quickly ducked behind a building, and continued her way to her destination as she approached the correct house, the one that was home to the first king of Mantle.

She made her way to the secret location, and approached the small shrine that housed the room. She raised her hand to it, and pressed her palm against the fire symbol.

Stone seemed to rub together, and Lenna took a few steps back, looking as the shrine was pulled down into the ground. When she looked down, she saw that there was a staircase that led down underground.

She quickly made her way down the stairs, growing in excitement as she approached the bottom of the stairs.

The stairs opened up into a large room, drawings carved into the stone. Torches lined the walls and were not lit up, leaving the room with a cold feel.

She made her way across the room, approaching the small bowl.

The bowl was on a small pedestal, at her waist level. The bowl had fire bubbling up from the bottom, and there was a small knife off to the side.

She slowly reached over to the knife, seeming to be guided by some outside force. She dragged the knife over to her other hand and pressed the tip against her palm. She took a deep breath as she put her hand over the fire, and then dragged the knife against her palm.

She hissed in pain as it cut into her hand, and the blood dripped into the fire.

Almost immediately, flames rushed from the bowl behind her, lighting up each of the torches behind her, illuminating the room.

She wrapped a binding around her hand and waited for something more to happen, and grew nervous as nothing happened.

Lenna: I'm here because of the dreams since the Fall of Beacon... They told me to come here...

???: You were well informed.

Lenna was startled by the deep voice, and an accent that she had never heard before. It was foreign to her, but that would make sense, him coming from a different time.

She turned around, seeing a tall figure that wore a cloak. Lenna couldn't see his face, but she knew who he was. The smallest emotion managed to wedge its way into her heart, pushing past her numbing grief.


The figure drew back his hood to show a man with fair skin, long, bright red hair and bright red eyes. He was unnaturally handsome, more so than any other she had ever seen, except her beloved.

???: I can thank you for this.

Lenna: Don't... Don't thank me.

???: But I must. I'm free because of you. You... your power brought me back.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now