Vol 8 Part 9

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(Your POV)

You awoke from your visions, and looked up at Adam as he paced back and forth, looking the same as he did in your false memories, except he had no mask on. Instead you could see his scarred eye.

(Y/N): If you're going to have one of those stupid villain monologues, I'd ra...

Adam: Shut up!

He stalked forward, drawing his weapon and holding it threateningly close to your throat, as you instinctively tried to pull away, but were unable to, due to your bindings.

As you thought of them, you felt the pain return, and looked at the bindings, studying them again. Why were they familiar?

Adam: You and I are not that different from each other. W...

(Y/N): Oh, and here's the stupid villain monologue about why I should take over the world with you, and how it's better, an...

Adam: SHUT UP!

At this point, Adam's anger overflowed as he slammed his sheath into your side, and you groaned from the impact, as a look of surprise took over his face, and a few moments later, you understood what he was surprised about.

Adam: Well this is interesting...

 He unsheathed his blade, pressing it against your chest, right where your heart would be. While the sharpness of the blade didn't do much, at least yet, the heat from the blade started to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn't going away.

(Y/N): Oh, yes. My mistake. Please tell me all about everything...

Adam: We were both born into a world, brutalized for no reason. Ironwood, Ozpin, the Schnees, and all the others wanted to hurt us, to make us their slaves. Why should we fight, or die for them? What are we getting out of this? Why do we have to be their weapons, another one of their possessions to throw away when they're done?

(Y/N): I agree in that respect. I don't agree with your methodology.

Adam: Why not?

(Y/N): Holding onto grudges doesn't do any good for anyone.

Adam: They're not grudges. It's getting revenge for the pain they caused us. They enslaved us, we were slaves to our overlords. We're surrounded by weaklings, by those who would go along, and allow themselves to be oppressed.

(Y/N): And yet you killed people that had no part in this.

Adam: I won't apologize for retribution. Their punishment is well deserved.

(Y/N): And why did the students at Beacon deserve their fate?

Adam: Perhaps they didn't. I had no other choice. I h...

(Y/N): Bullshit.

Adam: No!

Adam pierced your skin with this blade, as you cried in pain, gritting your teeth quickly afterwards.

Adam: I had to. Cinder Fall would have killed them all if I said no. I tried to, believe me.

He harshly sheathed his blade, before stomping towards you.

Adam: They have humiliated us. They rob us of our pride, we can't stand for that.

(Y/N): There is no 'we'.

Adam: There is now. There's a reason that you were represented by me in your little vision. We're not so different it seems.

(Y/N): I'm their hero...

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now