Vol 4 Part 4

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(Your POV)

You opened your eyes, looking at the area around you.

It was the same as when you passed out from the pain. You were sitting in the middle of the village, the same as you were the previous night. How were you fine? Was the parka doing this, or was it something else?

You looked up to see the old man across the way, sitting on a log. He cooked some sort of meat over the fire, and you couldn't tell exactly what it was.

You walked over to the log that was around the fire, sitting down. The two of you said nothing, contempt to be in silence as you watched him cook the food.

Old Man: Do you understand now?

(Y/N): Not really. Were you just trying to tell me that Edel, or Aloysius as she called him, loved his sister and don't pursue incestuous relationships?

The man looked at you, for some reason he looked far more tired than he did the previous day. Was it a byproduct of his vision things?

Old Man: I hope you're joking.

(Y/N): Partially. You haven't told me what I'm looking at.

The man sighed, raking snow across the fire to put it out with his cane.

Old Man: How many long stories have you been told?

(Y/N): Quite a lot. So is the life of a hu...

Old Man: And how many have gone anywhere?

(Y/N): What?

Old Man: How many things have you been told that have been dropped the next day?

(Y/N): Quite a few...

You thought back to the many that had been told. Ajax and Renata, although perhaps she had more importance based on the old man's story. The Stalker, the Fox, and many more all seemed to go nowhere.

Old Man: I wonder how many have led to satisfying endings?

(Y/N): What's your point?

The man stopped, rolling his eyes as if he was consoling a child asking why every few seconds. Now that you thought about it...

Old Man: The human brain can form false memories quite easily. A target that is confused and distressed is far easier than one in their right mind.

(Y/N): Hmm... So why should I trust you?

The man smiled, lifting his cane and pointing it at you.

Old Man: You're finally getting it.

He moved his cane around in a circle, creating the same portal looking thing like yesterday.

Old Man: I'm giving you the truth so that you can make your own decisions. This little... example has the... issues of all three immortals.

(3rd Person POV)

Aloysius: I'm told that you are staying in your room.

Aloysius' voice cut through Renata's concentration. She quickly grabbed the paper that had been floating through the air, closed the book, and turned to face him with what she knew was a guilty expression.

Renata: Excuse me?

Aloysius casted an amused look at her across the shadows of her room.

Aloysius: Am I... interrupting something?

Renata placed her hand casually on her hip.

Renata: No, of course not.

He drew closer to her alcove next to the window, which watched over the village, the roofs of nearby buildings still covered in snow.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now