Vol 4 Part 13

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(Your POV)

You opened your eyes, looking around at the area. It was the same as before.

You found yourself in a forest, an obvious path leading forward.

You looked around, trying to see if anything changed... but nothing. Everywhere you looked, it was the same. It seemed that not much changed over the time that you had seen it.

You got off of the ground, stepping closer to the rock formation. It was odd, like a cave but without the roof of it, leaving it open.

You stepped over the stream, the water splashing on your skin, but you felt nothing, no sense of the world around you.

You passed through the rocks, walking through the windy path. It went back and forth, almost like a maze.

It took you awhile to get through it, but eventually you made it into the clearing, when suddenly your senses returned to you.

You could feel the two suns on your skin, you could hear the birds chirping, the wind rustling through the trees above.

You slowly stepped forward, getting closer and closer to it.

The door.

As you made your way closer, it became increasingly difficult to continue forward. You tried your hardest, you tried to make it through... but nothing.

As much as you tried you couldn't manage to take another step. You leaned forward, trying to power your way through, nothing.

You took a step back, the easiness of the motion making you stumble a bit back.

You looked around, scanning the environment.

(Y/N): There must be something...

You trailed off as the door opened, the strange symbols glowing blue on the sides. You couldn't make out the details, you had been trying to memorize them, but you could only get the general shape.

You tried to take another step forward, again nothing.

Edel: Focus inwards.

You turned to see, who you thought was Edel. He looked different, a new outfit, and blonde, almost white hair, with a red streak in it.

Adam: Focus outwards.

You then turned to see Adam, as he was in your visions, although now you knew them as fake.

You opened your eyes, looking around at the area. It was the same as before.

You had your hands tied together above your head, tied to a rope which seemed to go over your head and behind you, probably tied down somewhere else. You stood on a little ledge, where both your feet could barely fit.

You had almost gotten used to the cold. With nothing but a pair of pants on, the cold constantly hit you relentlessly, the winds harsher at the very top of the mountain.

You closed your eyes, trying to find some way to make the pain easier. Your arms were sore, having been held up above your head for so long, and you felt awful.

Your feet were bleeding, a bed of nails scattered on the ledge, digging deep into your feet as you stood there, with nails behind your back, so that you couldn't get too comfortable.

While you were waiting, trying to rack your brain for any way of escape, you heard snow crunching from behind you. It could be a multitude of things, a wild animal, a person, or perhaps something fell on the snow.

(Y/N): Hel..

You broke into a fit of coughs as you tried to form even a single word.

Old Man: Hold on.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now