Vol 5 Part 14

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(A/N: Thanks for 1K votes)

(Your POV)

You thought about your choices... but only for a moment.

As much of a friend Edel had been, he threatened Ruby. He threatened to kill.

You went forward with your arm, going to stab through his exposed throat...

Edel: I'm disappointed in you.

You tried to wrench your arm away as Edel threw your arm to the side, spinning you around once as you landed on the ground, quickly standing up.

He exploded out with some sort of energy, sending Ajax further back, as he turned to you.

Edel: I was hoping you would take pity, see a man in desperation... But I guess I'm wrong.

(Y/N): You threatened to kill. I'd like to think that my death would mean something to Ruby, hurt her.

Edel: A rush of emotions. I've spent too much time in that... other realm. It has affected me mentally. I have tried to keep them at bay... but they pop through sometimes.

He paused, seeming to be thinking.

Edel: Any emotions that I had stuffed down, were replaced by anger, rage, evil. Those that are seen in the demons, that form who, or rather what they are. It festers inside of me, battling against me, threatening to spill over.

He smirked, rolling his neck out.

Edel: You won't help me... I didn't fully expect you to, but perhaps I hoped for it.

You raised your axe and blade up.

(Y/N): So what, we're just going to keep on fighting until one of us can't stand?

Edel shook his head.

Edel: No, I need to take more extreme measures. I will not let Renata die. With zero regret I would offer up my own life. 

He focused his gaze on you, the diamond shape in his eye throwing you off.

Edel: Understand this. There's no sacrifice I won't make.

You paused as you realized what he meant.

(Y/N): Salem...

He nodded his head.

(Y/N): You can't. I won't let you.

Edel: You've stolen everything, and I'm all alone. I will fight until my last breath for her.

With that the two of you charged towards each other, you an axe and a wrist blade, him, only his fists.

(3rd Person POV)

The battle between the White Fang and the Menagerie Faunus as well as the Mistral police force continued. One of the Mistral airships shined its searchlight on three White Fang soldiers, the policeman calling over the P.A.

Mistral Policeman: Cease fire, immediately!

The three tried to run away, but they were stopped by a combined group of Menagerie Faunus and Mistral policemen led by Ilia. Eventually, two of the White Fang soldiers dropped their weapons and held their hands in the air to surrender when they were surrounded. 

The last White Fang soldier tried to fire his weapon, but it was whipped out of his hands by Lightning Lash and he was tackled to the ground by Ilia who restrained him. A female rabbit Faunus smiled at Ilia.

Female Rabbit Faunus: Thank you.

Ilia looked at the rabbit Faunus and smiled and nodded back. Elsewhere, Blake stood proudly over Adam Taurus, who was on his knees before standing back up, seething as he spoke to her.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now