Vol 5 Part 6

645 10 3

(3rd Person POV)

Rain was pouring outside. Qrow opened up a sliding door leading into a small restaurant. A man was seen sleeping at a table in the corner, while the Ramen Shop Owner stood behind the counter sharpening his kitchen knife on a wood block.

Qrow walked up to the owner, who was still paying attention to sharpening his knife.

Ramen Shop Owner: Regular? Or the Special?

Qrow: I'm actually looking for someone, goes by the name Shiro Wan. Ever heard of him? I heard he's a regular around here.

Ramen Shop Owner: Who's asking?

Qrow: Hey, I'm not some cop if that's what you mean. I need Shiro for a gig. We go way back.

The ramen shop owner nodded.

Ramen Shop Owner: Way back, huh?

He looked up at Qrow.

Ramen Shop Owner: So, he's a friend of yours.

Qrow rubbed his chin.

Qrow: Hm, yeah, I'd say so. He's a pretty alright guy.

Ramen Shop Owner: Well, in that case...

Suddenly, his tone turned hostile, pointing his knife threateningly at Qrow.

Ramen Shop Owner: You tell that jerk that he better not show his ugly face in here until he pays me the Lien he owes me!

Qrow was taken aback.

Qrow: Uh, did I say friend?

He nervously chuckled.

Qrow: I, uh- I meant acquaintance.

The owner angrily slammed his knife into the counter as Qrow slowly backed away.

Qrow: Really, we're just colleagues!

He nervously chuckled again.

Qrow: Anyways, thanks for your time, buddy. I'll just be taking off now.

Qrow exited the restaurant, quickly closing the sliding door. He quickly turned around, leaning against the door. He took a drink from his flask before pulling out his scroll, which had a list of "CONTACTS" with the following names:


Qrow crossed off Shiro's name, sighing.

Qrow: Great start.

Suddenly, the owner's knife was stabbed through the door cloth, barely missing Qrow's head.

Qrow then walked up to several people asking if they knew any of the Huntsmen on his list; first, a pair of two men standing on the rainy street. Next, to a one-eyed, blonde blacksmith selling her wares.

Then, he sought the help of a beat-up man filled with bruises, resting while two other men are currently fighting in a match. After every person he asked, Qrow's expression and body language grew more aggravated, and each time, the number of Huntsmen he crossed off the list increased.

Finally, he walked up to a small house with boarded-up windows. He looked at his Scroll for his two remaining contacts, the first of which had been crossed out.


Qrow: Heather Shields.

He knocked on the door. A group of small children was seen near the house. After Qrow turned around from looking at them, since there had been no response, he banged it loudly with the side of his fist. As he was about to bang on the door again, a man opened up the door.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now