Vol 8 Part 3

323 9 4

(Your POV)

It was nightfall again.

You waited in the shadows of a back alley one block from the hospital and watched its staff spill in and out of the hospital.

It was cloudy, and you couldn't make out the shattered moon. Military vehicles stacked up on the street as they waited for approval, being checked for proper IDs and vital scans. 

No cigar.

Still, you kept your eyes fixed on the entrance.

You had ditched your normal black coat, and had gone more for disguise.

Dark leather boots, two hidden knives flat against their soles. Your black trousers were tucked into your boots, and you carried a pair of gloves and a black handkerchief in your pockets. A dark, long-sleeved shirt was tied around your waist. 

Earlier, you had traded animal blood for some lien. Your arms, stomach, and face were smeared with it. 

The hospital spanned several floors of the building, but the only important one was the one without windows. The third floor, the laboratory, where aura was tested on. 

On the outside it was completely hidden by elaborate carvings and Atlesian flags. However, behind the disguise lay a vast floor with no halls and no doors. Only a gigantic room with scientists and doctors, experimenting on people.

You knew because you were there before. You were there when they tested on you, the day that you thought you were going to die.

Your eyes scanned the side of the tower. Sometimes you could break into a building by running it from the outside, if there were balconies to leap from and window ledges to balance on. You once scaled a four-story building in less than seven seconds.

This tower was too smooth, with no footholds. You would have to reach the lab from the inside. 

You shivered a little and wished you asked her to come with you. She could handle it, and you knew she could, but you were still scared. Besides, you tried to convince yourself that two people were harder to catch than one, even if her semblance could...

You trailed off, not wanting to get into that conversation again. 

Besides, she didn't want to come here. The two of you had plenty of lien to get away, and the perfect opportunity was coming up in a few months. You wanted to make sure you had enough money when you made it to Vale, to disappear for longer than normal...

A lone truck pulled up behind the military vehicles. Several soldiers climbed out and greeted the nurses while others unpacked the truck's boxes. 

The leader of the group was a dark-haired man dressed in a white overcoat, as you could only see the back of him. You strained to hear what they were saying, and could only hear mention of aura.


You caught a glimpse of the guns at his belt as he spoke.

Nurse: Yes sir.

The man nodded to her.

James: Call me James. If you have any questions, come see me.

You waited until the soldiers had spread out around the hospital's perimeter and the man named James had immersed himself in another conversation. Several more trucks came and went.

You took a deep breath, then stepped out of the shadows and stumbled towards the entrance.

A nurse spotted you first, just outside the main doors. Her eyes darted to the blood on your arms and face.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now