Vol 8 Part 2

372 11 3

(3rd Person POV)

Qrow was holding Clover's bloodied pin in his hand, staring somberly at it, while sitting in a prison cell made of Hard-Light Dust. Footsteps could be heard pacing, as Robyn sighed.

Robyn: This is your fault. You realize that, don't you? All I wanted was to bring people together, to give them a chance at a better life. But you...

She angrily glared to the individual in the next cell over.

Jacques: Me? I am a victim!

Robyn scoffed upon hearing his remark.

Jacques: I'll admit I was duped. Used! And although my hands may not be clean, at least I am not...

He slightly turned to Qrow.

Jacques: A murderer!

Qrow looked up upon hearing that. Robyn gave him a sympathetic look.

Robyn: He didn't kill anybody...

As she spoke, she raised her voice.

Robyn: And I'm not gonna stand here and be lectured by some snake with a mustache who helped that man tear us all apart!

Qrow and Jacques looked over to another adjacent cell, where said man was revealed as Arthur Watts, shown contently lying down on his bench with his hands propped behind his head, as he raised his hand and spoke.

Watts: Yes, well... I suppose we're all stuck in it together now.

Jacques: Speak for yourself, I know the right people. I'm sure Whitley has reached out to my legal team and will have me out of here before you can say--

Robyn: SHUT UP!

Robyn punched the Hard-Light Dust wall, startling Jacques.

Suddenly, a buzzer sound was heard, getting the prisoners' attention. Qrow hid Clover's pin as a squad of Atlesian military soldiers entered the room and disabled the hard-light Dust for Watts' cell and entered.

Watts: You do realize you already caught me?

One of the soldiers used his gun to bash Watts' head, knocking him out and startling Jacques. The prisoners watched on as the soldiers dragged Watts away and out of the room, Robyn sighing.

Robyn: I hate not being able to do anything...

She then sat back down on her bench.

Qrow: We can do something...

He lifted his head up with a dark look in his eyes.

Qrow: We can kill the man who put us here...

The small girl ran away from the pursuing kids, making her way into the alley, until finally she had no more to run to, the rain having matted her long hair to her face, however now she was shielded by an overhang.

She turned to face them as they slowly walked, small concealed weapons being drawn, as they drew closer and closer.

Street Boy: We want no trouble, just give us the things you stole...

The girl reached out her hand as if to stop them, no words escaping her mouth.

Street Girl: Alright then. We'll take it regardless. More trouble for you I suppose.

Street Boy: And more fun.

They started to close in, when there was a tapping sound that echoed down the alley.

The two turned around to look at the figure at the narrow opening in between the buildings, slowly walking towards them.

His grey trench coat was immediately apparent to anyone living on the streets, and many more around Remnant, but the strange thing was the ice cream cone in his hand, as he stood under an overhang to shield it from the rain.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now