Vol 9 Part 7

395 7 2

(3rd Person POV)

Ruby: Edel...

Ruby's voice trembled as she uttered his name, uncertainty etching deep lines on her face. 

He met her gaze with a solemn nod, his features maintaining a sense of gravity that mirrored the weight of the unspoken.

Ruby: Why are you...?

Her question trailed off, her voice fading as she tried to continue on.

Edel: Long ago I told you that I would come to your aid if you called my name. I did so last time, and I will do it for as long as I live.

Ruby's mind traversed the corridors of memory, and a fleeting recollection of the word "Beacon" crossed her thoughts. Despite the gravity of the situation, she managed a small smile that failed to reach the depths of her silver eyes.

Ruby: Beacon...

Edel's scrutiny was intense, as if his gaze could pierce through the walls Ruby had formed around herself. In that penetrating look, he seemed to grasp the intricacies of her pain and the unspoken struggles that burdened her. The echoes of loss reverberated in her words.

Ruby: Everything's gone. Everywhere we go, death follows... Beacon, Haven, Atlas...

Edel's response was a gentle but resolute declaration against her encroaching train of thought.

Edel: You must not fold. Darkness threatens to consume you, but even in the bleakest moments, a glimmer of hope remains.

Ruby's eyes locked onto Edel's, a desperate search for more than mere comforting words. The word "hope" lingered in the air; something that she had long ago, but...

Ruby: Hope? It feels like a distant memory.

Edel: Hope is resilient, Ruby. It lingers, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself. You're not alone in this fight.

Ruby's eyes, wearied from battles waged and losses endured, held a spark of curiosity. Edel's demeanor, a delicate balance of compassion and unwavering strength, spoke volumes about the trials he had weathered over his millennia of living.

Edel: The path ahead may seem shrouded, but the smallest spark can illuminate the darkest night. Your journey is not over.

Ruby's guarded expression softened, a flicker of vulnerability surfacing as Edel offered a moment of respite before the impending storm.

Edel: Remember who you are, Ruby. A huntress with a heart that refuses to yield, even in the face of overwhelming darkness.

Ruby's lips curved into a hint of a grateful smile, a subtle acknowledgment of the lifeline Edel extended to her.

Ruby: Thank you, Edel. It helps, even if just a little.

Edel: Sometimes, a little is all we need. Face the shadows with the knowledge that you're not alone.

As Ruby absorbed Edel's words, a subtle transformation unfolded. The weight on her shoulders seemed to ease, and though the shadows still lingered, they retreated slightly in the face of newfound resilience.

Edel: The dawn will come, Ruby. Keep moving forward.

Ruby nodded, a small glimmer of hope rekindled in her silver eyes, like a fragile ember in the encroaching darkness.

(Y/N) launched forward, his hand held back as a golden longsword formed in his grip, created from the magic of the aether. 

Ignatius, held out his right hand, and from the flames formed a massive forging hammer. As his grip tightened on the tool, it burned away at the flesh of his hand, which seemed to be unnoticed by the immortal.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now