Vol 9 Part 1

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(A/N: It's been a long while, almost a year and a half now. Let's hope this will be good)

(3rd Person POV)

Narrator: This is the story of a girl, who had a lot of problems...

The sound of an explosion turned Ruby's gaze away from her friends and the door to Vacuo. An explosion appeared on one of the large platforms, and she could see people falling into the void, some caught directly by the explosion, and others being pushed off the edge by others. 

People ran and screamed, and Ruby could feel her breath quicken as she closed her eyes for a single moment.

Yang: Ruby!

Neo rushed at Ruby, blade stretched out, ready to attack. At the last moment, Ruby was tackled out of the way by Yang, who took the blow, shattering her Aura, and sending her tumbling off the platform.

Crescent Rose slid away and Ruby crawled, reaching out for the weapon as it continued and fell off of the platform, into the abyss.

Ruby grabbed onto Neo's ankles, looking up at Cinder, who possessed both of the relics. Her eyes faintly glowed, as Cinder glared down at them.

Cinder: And you... should have never been born...

Cinder lifted the Staff up and smashed it down on Neo's hand, causing her to lose her grip and fall down into the void, Ruby along with her, as she felt the glow from her eyes disappear. 

Ruby: Edel...

Ruby grabbed onto Blake, who was swinging back up to the platform, weapon in hand. However, the ribbon was burned and the two were separated as they fell.

Ruby opened her eyes, finding herself to be surrounded by what looked like small suns. As she fell, she ran her hand through one of them, but she couldn't tell if they were floating up and away from her, or if she was falling down.

Ruby turned to see Neo slam a fist into her. Ruby tried to defend herself from the attacks, grabbing both of Neo's hands, as the latter reached for her neck. Neo then transformed into Oscar, roughly pulling herself away, before she became Yang, continuing her assault. 

She then transformed into Penny, moving behind Ruby, putting her into an armlock, as the silver eyed warrior struggled against her attacker. Quickly losing breath, Ruby kicked her legs backwards, freeing herself from Neo, turning to watch as she and Neo fell into what looked like clouds.

Penny: Ruby! Ruby! Ruby!

Ruby bolted upwards, panting for several moments before surveying the area. Large conch shells and six-armed starfish intermittently dotted a sand-colored beach that seemed to stretch for miles in either direction.

Ruby looked to see two... What were they? Suns, perhaps moons even? But if they were the latter, the two were intact. They orbited one another, as they slowly orbited... wherever she was. Ruby stood up and wrung out the water from her cloak.

Directly in front of her, sat a tropical albeit equally strange forest. The palm trees formed odd bulbous shapes, some wrapped around each other while others appeared to be two or three trees stacked together. 

The tree in the center, however, was enormous, towering over the distance. It stood so tall that only the bottom section of its canopy was visible as the rest. 

She suddenly heard a horrible screech, as a flock of large birds burst out from the top of the forest, drawing Ruby's attention to a not quite as distant cliff edge on the other side of the forest.

Ruby stared at the giant tree, trying to ignore the screech, and walked towards the forest.

Lenna opened her eyes, but quickly closed them once the glaring light hit her eyes.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now