Vol 1 Part 6

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(Your POV)

Falling asleep you descend into a dream. It was one of the day's events. You were running across the bridge where the bird would hit into you. And then it did. Expecting to be saved like what happened in real life you weren't paying attention. But suddenly you were falling. You looked up and saw yourself falling from the bridge.

(Y/N): HELP!

But no one heard you. Looking up at your allies all you could see was them fighting the Grimm. You looked down preparing to wake up from your sleep in a cold sweat as you got closer to the bottom. You closed your eyes waiting for the impact.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

You slowly opened your eyes. You were no longer in the ruins from earlier. You saw shelves around you making up the large and dark room. You were in a warehouse. Looking around the only light source was the moon that shined through a window from high above. 

Stepping out from the shelves you turned to the side and saw Roman Torchwick, the thug you fought the night you got accepted to Beacon.

Getting closer you noticed he was talking on a phone. You couldn't hear what the person was saying and so you ignored him for a second. 

Casting your gaze further you saw a map of Vale. It had drawings of red pointing around, seeming like a large scale operation. Places were circled laying out the city with plans and arrows.

Suddenly Roman slammed down the phone. He sighed before lighting a cigar. A man came next to him carting around a large case. Roman handed him a stack of lien and the man took it.

Roman: Open it.

The man turned towards you and you saw the mask that covered his face. 

White Fang.

He took a crowbar and pried open the case. You couldn't see what was inside, but Roman reached into it. He picked out a blue dust crystal and looked down into the case.

Roman: We're gonna need more men...

Suddenly you were ripped out of the dream and you woke up in a cold sweat. Looking around expecting to see the warehouse. Instead you saw a dorm room. Thinking back you remembered last night's conversation.

(Y/N): Right, I'm supposed to meet Ozpin.

Sitting up you hanged your legs off the bed thinking back to the dream. If Roman was really building an army based off of his last line then it could develop into a much bigger issue.

(Y/N): It's a dream, why are you getting caught up in this?

Unable to shake the thoughts off of your mind you got off the bed and changed out of your clothes. Putting on the one outfit that was in the closet before you got there, you looked at yourself in the mirror.

(Y/N): Here's to the future.

Turning away you walked to the door, opened it, and went to the decider of fate. 

Walking through the hallways at this early time had done no favors for you though. Still tired from the day before, you weren't in the best mindset right now.

Mentally berating yourself you walked, silent in thought, until you reached the elevator where you met Glynda yesterday. Pressing the button to call the elevator you waited in silence, opening your thoughts back up to the dream.

(Y/N): If this turns out to be true, then I'm the only one that can do this. I have to pursue this. I'll ask Ozpin what he thinks.

The elevator dinged, signaling its return to your location. The doors opened slowly and you stepped inside. 

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now