Vol 7 Part 13

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(A/N: It was so very close as well, but it must be unanimous)

(3rd Person POV)

Ruby: Ironwood's declaring martial law and abandoning Mantle! Salem is coming and he's going to use the Staff to move Atlas. If we don't stop him Mantle's going to be de--

Inside a flying Manta, Robyn and Qrow were looking at Clover, who was sitting beside a restrained Tyrian.

Robyn: Declaring martial law? We can not let him do this.

Clover: Ms. Hill, I'm sure the General understands the enormity of his--

Clover's scroll made a noise, and he brought it out to check it. The screen showed mugshots of Team RWBY, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Qrow. There was text above the mugshots, reading:


Detain on sight"

Clover put his scroll away, stood up with a sigh, and began approaching Qrow, who gripped the hilt of his weapon.

Qrow: Clover...

Robyn's scroll vibrated, and she brought it out to see the same Wanted notification.

Clover: Qrow, you should know that I've been asked to bring you in.

Tyrian: A free ride and a show!

Clover: There's also an alert out for Team RWBY's arrest.

Qrow: What? Has James lost his mind?

Robyn: He's trying to stop anybody who might get in the way of this inhumane plan.

Robyn stood up from her seat and deployed her crossbow.

Robyn: Looks like he underestimated me. Again.

Clover: Only Qrow is under arrest. After everything we've been through tonight please don't make me arrest you too.

Robyn clenched her teeth and glared at Clover, the bolt on her crossbow being pulled back against the string. In response, Clover drew his fishing rod.

Qrow: Cut it out! Both of you. We're almost back to Atlas. Let's talk to James personally and--

Tyrian: It's taking a very long time for this show to get to the good part.

Qrow: Shut up.

Robyn: He's right. Let's get this over with.

Qrow: Robyn!

Robyn fired the bolt, but Clover casually blocked it with his fishing rod. She shifted her crossbow into bladed shield form and charged at Clover, who blocked and then immediately shortened the rod, hooked the crossbow and pulled on it, knocking Robyn to the floor.

Qrow: Fine.

Qrow got up, drawing his sword and swinging it at Clover, who jumped out of the way. He swung again, and Clover blocked with his rod, locking weapons with him.

Clover: I wish it hadn't come to this.

Qrow: It doesn't have to!

Robyn hopped back into the fight, swinging her shield down on Clover's rod, and Clover jumped backward away from the two.

Robyn: You can hug it out once we've taken him down!

Clover sent his fishing hook at Robyn, who deflected it with her shield, accidentally sending it toward Tyrian. Tyrian lifted his leg out of the way, allowing the hook to break a bar beneath his seat, which the Gravity Bolas securing his wrists was hooked onto with a metal ring. 

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon