Chapter Thirty Two

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"Hand it to me, Potter." Lucius Malfoy ordered.

"Go to hell." Iris spat pushing her little brother behind her.

"Hand me the prophecy."

"I waited fourteen years." Harry said.

"I know."

"I could wait a little longer." Harry said, giving everyone the signal. Iris raised her wand and casted a reducto charm on the shelves. She grabbed her younger brother's arm and began running.

"Stupify." Remmy yelled blasting a death eater, who was trying to sneak up on Iris in the chest.

"Step one you say we need to talk, he walks, you say it's just a talk. He smiles politely back at you, you stare politely right on through."

"Are you seriously singing right now?" Harry said, raising an eyebrow as he deflected a death eater's curse.

"Some sort of window to your right, as he goes left and you stay right."  Iris sang just as Harry veered left and she stayed to the right.

"Remind me to tell dad you've been watching way too much Grey's Anatomy." Remmy said as they entered another room where they were surrounded by death eaters. Each one holding their friends hostage.

"Hand me the prophecy, Potter."

"Don't do it,Harry." Neville said.

"Between the lines of fear and blame, you begin to wonder why you came."

"Step away from my godson." Sirius said, apparating into the room and punching Lucius in the face. The rest of the Order of the Phoenix members apparated into the room. 

"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Somewhere alone in the bitterness and I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known how to save a life."

"Iris, what are you doing here?" Remus demanded.

"She's singing." Remmy replied.

"I could see that and what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in school."

"Can we argue about this later? When someone is not trying to kill us?" Remmy said ducking out of the way.

"Let him know that you know best, 'cause after all you do know best. Try to slip past his defense without granting innocence." Iris blasted another death eater wordlessly.

"Would you shut up?" Lucius demanded trying to battle Sirius and Harry.

"Theo, look out." Iris yelled, casting a very powerful stunner at a death eater who was trying to sneak up on her uncle.

"Thanks." Theo said heavily. He then turned to face his father, Theodore Nott Sr.

"Hello, father." He said blocking his father's spell.

"That's the side you chose? The side with the mud bloods and blood traitors." Nott Sr. sneered.

"At least I'm not a slave like you. At least I have a family now, unlike you." Theo shot back moving out of the way of a curse.

"And which idiot decided to be your father figure?" His former father demanded.

"That would be me." Sirius said stepping forward. Nott Sr. started laughing.

"You're joking. He's just a replacement for your brother that you lost."

"He's not replacing my brother, he actually replaced you. I've taken over for Harry, Iris and Remmy. And I'm pretty good at it. Now stop insulting my family."Sirius shot back. Before Sirius could utter a spell Theo stepped forward, aimed his wand at his father and shouted.

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