Chapter 43

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"Theo!" Iris screamed falling to her knees besides her uncle who was shaking uncontrollably in his own pool of blood. She turned to her brother angrily as the tears began to form in her eyes threatening to overspill.

"What did you do?" She demanded trying to put pressure on Theo's wounds even though she knew it probably wouldn't help.

"I-I didn't...." Harry stammered stunned, running over to his step mum's brother.

"MURDER! MURDER IN THE BATHROOM! MURDER!" Moaning Myrtle screamed loudly. The door banged open and Snape burst into the room livid.

Iris quickly got up and pulled Harry to his feet. Snape pulled out his wand and began muttering an incantation. Iris looked down at her blood soaked hands and began to shake uncontrollably as the tears fell freely. When Snape was done he turned to Iris and Draco.

"Help Mr. Nott to the hospital wing. He needs dittany to prevent scarring."

Iris and Draco moved quickly.

"This is great." Theo laughed dryly. Draco gave his former friend a strange look.

"How are you laughing right now?" He asked.

"They say karma is a-"

"Language." Iris reprimanded her uncle.

"I didn't even say anything." Theo protested.

"But, you were going to say it."

"What are you two talking about?" Draco asked, confused.

"I used the same spell on my father." Theo replied.

"But, your father's dead."

"Who do you think killed him?"

"Karma really is a-" Draco began, but Iris cut him off.

"Language." She said in all seriousness.

Theo and Draco burst out laughing.

"Hilarious." Iris said dryly. Theo turned to his niece.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine." Iris answered a little too quickly.

"No you're not. You're still shaking." He said concerned. Theo broke out of Draco's support and hugged her causing Iris to begin crying again.

"Hey, I'm ok." He said reassuringly. Draco looked between the two of them.

"When did this all happen?" He asked referring to what he thought was their brother, sister relationship.

"What were you even doing there?" Iris inquired, ignoring Draco's question.

"When I saw Harry's expression when I bumped into him, I knew it couldn't be good. So, I followed him, tried to stop him and, well you know the rest." Theo replied uneasily.

"He could've killed you." Iris said in a low voice.

"And he didn't." Theo said. He kissed his niece on the top of her head.

"Aw, gross. You don't need to get all sappy now." Draco said in disgust. Theo saw the look on Iris's face.

"Uh oh." He thought. Iris spun around and faced Draco angrily.

"You should be thankful Theo stepped in otherwise you'd be the one lying on the ground gutted like a turkey." She spat.


"You what? Would saying a simple thank you kill you?" Iris demanded. Draco sighed.

"Thank you." He muttered.

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