Chapter 31

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It had been two weeks since Iris had been admitted to the psych ward in St. Mungos. She found herself yet again in another support group which they pretty much took from the muggle world.

"Iris, do you feel like sharing today?" Healer Phelps asked, turning to her. Iris just stared at him blankly. If she was back to her former self she'd be poking fun of him and would be asking him if he had a brother Oliver. After all, his name was James and everyone in the future knew that James Phelps played Fred Weasley in the Harry Potter movies. Healer Phelps took the hint and turned to another kid, Bob Parker. As Bob talked on and on Iris tuned him out.

Sirius, Remus and Mrs. Weasley were there basically every day trying to cheer her up, but nothing seemed to work. Someone was dumb enough to give her a muggle bouncy ball a little bit bigger then a snitch which she would bounce off the wall of her room driving the person next door to her bonkers. Charlie came as often as he could bringing her a ton of chocolate frogs and liquorice wands. The gifts from Fred and George had to be inspected to make sure that it wouldn't cause Iris harm. Remmy, Harry and Theo kept sending her letters hoping that she would eventually forgive them.

When Luna sent her a copy of the Quibbler with Harry's interview with Rita Skeeter she couldn't help, but smile. Before she left Hogwarts she had given Hermione beetle Rita with a note telling her what was originally supposed to happen. She was surprised that Hermione actually listened to her. Sirius was pretty much jumping up and down like an overgrown child when he saw her smile. It was the first time she smiled in five months.

On Valentines Day, a gift from Fred arrived and when Iris opened it up she nearly burst into tears. Remus who was visiting that day became worried when he saw her expression, but when he saw the gift he calmed down. Iris was holding the golden snitch necklace that she had thrown at Fred the night this all started. She silently fingered it until Remus offered to help her put it on. Iris just gave him a small nod and handed the necklace to him.

On April first Iris felt well enough to pull her first prank in about six months in honor of the twins' birthday. Iris looked around the psych ward looking for a target and when her eyes fell onto Gilderoy Lockhart an evil smile made its way onto her face. Five minutes later out of nowhere music began playing and Lockhart started dancing and singing to YMCA. The two marauders had just come to visit and saw the commotion. They both turned to see Iris grinning wickedly holding a muggle enchanted video camera as Lockhart sang terribly off key.

"Care to tell us what you're doing?" Sirius asked with a chuckle. Iris shrugged.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." She said hoarsely. Sirius's eyes widened. Iris hadn't uttered a word in almost three months. Before Sirius or Remus could say anything the music stopped and Iris stopped recording. She went back to her room, room three ninety four and pulled out a parchment and a quill. After penning the twins instructions on how to use it and if they needed any help they should just ask Hermione, Iris packaged the camera and taped the letter to the box. She then turned to Sirius and Remus who were staring at her dumbfounded and handed them the box and a note. Sirius looked at the parchment which read:

Send this to Fred and George

"And I thought we were making progress." Sirius muttered with a sigh. Iris caught sight of the Daily Prophet in Sirius' hands. She grabbed it.

"You know I would've given it to you if you would've asked." He stated. Iris ignored him and looked at the cover:

Mass Outbreak From Azkaban

The expression on Iris' face changed. Iris dropped the paper and bolted out of her room. Remus and Sirius both followed her out worried. Iris knew the newspaper was a few months old. The moment she saw the title she automatically thought of poor Neville Longbottom and his parents. Iris knew they were in St. Mungos' psych ward and she hadn't been there once to meet one of her sister's namesakes.

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