A/N- Alternate Ending

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It took me a while before I decided to write an alternate ending to this book. A lot of you might not be happy with my decision, but here it is.


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Broken. That's how Iris Potter felt. She thought being sent back in time and saving everyone would be great, but she was wrong. Saving people who were meant to die has a price and because of that Percy Weasley was dead. Iris thought when she got back she'd marry the love her life, Fred Weasley, but that's not what happened. Iris got back to find Fred married to her ex best friend and Percy's death was blamed on her. Outcasted from the Weasley and Potter family, Iris found herself joining the jeager program as a J-tech.

After being ripped out of his jeager while battling a huge category 3 kaiju dubbed Knifehead, Yancy Becket thought he was dead. He should've been dead. There was no way he could be alive and yet he was. When Yancy awoke after months of being unconscious he found himself in a hospital bed in a small hospital of Beacon Hills, California. He then learned that the night he supposedly died his savior killed Knifehead and somehow managed to heal him. That savior was Iris Potter.

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