Chapter 7

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"He can't be alive! He's dead. I saw him that night. I saw him dead!"

"I know it sounds ludicrous, but it all adds up."

Lupin was silent. So, she continued.

"My boggart, my Patronus, my brother's and sister's name not to mention I'm a chaser just like he was and I have a knack for transfigurations. How my middle name is very similar to Lily and How you, that rat, Sirius and Snape all said I look like him. It all adds up."


"I don't know." She admitted. After what seemed like a long time Lupin finally spoke.

"I didn't know he had a daughter before Harry."

"Technically I haven't been born yet."

"Are you saying you're from..."

"The future. Yes. My dad married my mum in nineteen ninety three and I was born in September of nineteen ninety four. My brother and sister were born in June of two thousand, but I don't know why he's been hiding all this time."

She looked over at Lupin.

"First Sirius and now this. What on earth?"

"I know and I'm sorry."

"So you have a brother and sister."


"What are their names?"

"Marlene Alice and Sirius Remus Evans."

"Prongs named his son after me? But, why?"

"I'm not in liberty to share the future with anyone."

Lupin looked at his watch.

"It's getting late." He said.

"Harry can't know about this."  Iris said as she headed for the door. Before she left she turned to him and said.

"I know about your furry little problem."

It had been a few days since her talk with Lupin.  Fred was being a little less annoying. He still blamed himself for hitting her with a bludger and she kept telling him it wasn't his fault. She completely forgot about her date with George until he brought it up.

"Iris can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. As the two of them left the Great Hall she could feel Fred's eyes on them and she couldn't help, but feel guilty for using George to get even. She knew Fred's fate and that only made matters worse.

"George." She said.

"Do you remember anything from before you got hit in the head?" He inquired. Iris noticed how nervous he was. She noticed how he kept shifting in his position. From what she knew about the Weasley twins was that Fred was the more loud and outgoing one while George was a bit more quiet. She also knew about his crush on Angelina Johnson, but Fred was the one who ended up with her first. But, things were different now.

"Gosh this timeline stuff is so annoying." She thought.

"I know about your crush on Angelina."

George stared at her blankly.

"Yes, you're quite obvious and I think you should just ask her out already. You don't need to worry about me if that's what you're worried about."


"Speak of the devil." Iris said with a smile. George turned to see who she was talking about and his face paled.

"Angelina." Iris called.

"Don't you dare." George warned. Iris just gave him an evil smile then turned to Angelina Johnson.

"Hi Iris, George." Angelina said.

"George wanted to ask you something." And with that Iris went to find Fred. She found him sitting in the common room grumbling. She plopped herself down on the couch next to him.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, causing him to jump.

"Uh, hi Iris. I thought you were with George."

"Last I saw he was trying to ask Angelina out." Iris said. Fred sat up.

"Wait, What?"

"He wasn't doing a really great job. It might've been my fault."

"But, I thought he was taking you to Hogsmeade."

"He was supposed to, but I didn't want him to have to suffer through a date with me when he clearly has his eyes on someone else. Plus I just realized I also do." Iris replied.

"Oh." Fred said feeling like he had just been rejected again.

"Yeah. It took a bludger to the head for me to realize I was to go out with the wrong twin." Iris confessed. Fred stared at her surprised.

"Oh don't be daft. I'm obviously talking about you."

Fred surprised her by kissing her.

"Finally." A voice behind them said startling them. They both jumped apart looking all guilty and looked up to see George standing with Angelina. A smile began to make its way onto his lips.

"Thanks a lot George." Fred said dryly.

"Ignore him." Iris said resting her head on Fred's shoulder.

"So, George how'd it go?"

"Keep an eye on her Fred. She can act like a Slytherin sometimes."

Iris jumped up and placed her wand under his chin.

"Say that again and you won't see me coming." She warned.

"Uh, Fred get your girlfriend under control."

"Come on Iris, leave him alone." Fred said gently, taking her wand hand and slowly lowering it away from his twin's face. He wasn't able to stop what happened next. Iris's fist made contact with George nose.

"You don't want to get on my bad side Georgette." And with that she turned and left an injured George behind.

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