Chapter 15

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Just as the dragon was about to strike it made eye contact with her and suddenly stopped. She was surprised that it wasn't moving or breathing fire at her. Iris walked up to the dragon.

"Boo." She said. The Hungarian Horntail backed away slowly. The whole crowd was stunned silent.

Iris still had her wand out as she made her way over to where the golden egg was. She picked it and tucked it under her arm like a football. On her way out of the arena she raised her hand in a peace sign.

"That was easy." She exclaimed when she stepped out.

"How'd you do that?" Charlie inquired. Iris gave him a confused look.

"Do what?"

"I've been studying dragons for years. Hungarian Horntails are very hard to tame and you managed to tame it in under a minute."

"I did?" Iris said still confused.

"How'd you do it?"

"Charlie can you please leave my girlfriend alone." Fred said coming up.

"There's something different about you and I am going to find out what it is." Charlie said before walking off.

"You ok?" Fred asked.

"I'm fine." They turned their attention onto the judges. Iris didn't score fairly high leaving her in fourth.

"Oh come on! I practically tamed a dragon." Iris said annoyed.


She turned around to see Lupin there.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, bringing him into a hug startling him.

"I came for you and Harry of course I just-." He stared before Iris cut him off.

"I have the slight feeling someone is listening." She said. She remembered how in the books Rita Skeeter, an annoying reporter for the daily prophet had gotten her information and twisted her stories. Skeeter was an unregistered animagus just like Sirius and his friends. Iris accioed a jar and found the ugly beetle. She knew she needed that bug in the future.

"Sorry about that." She said, turning back to Lupin.

"I forget you knew stuff that pertains to the future." Lupin said in a low voice.

"Iris." Theo called.

"Since when were you two friends?" Lupin asked as Theo made his way over.

"He's my mum's brother."

"James married a Nott."

"She was a gryffindor and was disowned by her father." Iris answered in a low voice. She then turned to Theo.

"Hi uncle Theo." She teased. Theo let out a groan.

"Please don't call me that." He said, slightly irritated.

"Nott why are you talking to her?" Draco demanded coming over to him.

"I can talk to whoever I want." Theo shot back. There was a gasp from the Slytherin. Iris used her magic to Accio popcorn. She found a chair, sat down and began to munch away.

"She's a Mud blood."

"You call her that one more time and I swear you won't see me coming ferret."

Draco stared at his friend stunned.

"W-what would your father say?" He stammered.

"I don't care what my father has to say. I'm done with this whole blood purity stupidity."

"This really got interesting." She said in between handfuls.

"Blood traitor." Draco spat ignoring what Iris said. Theo took out his wand and aimed it at Draco. Iris grabbed onto his arm.

"He's not worth it." She said. Theo gave her a nod and began to walk away.

"Yeah. Listen to your girlfriend." Draco sneered. Theo spun around and fired a hex at Draco who didn't have time to dodge it. The hex hit its mark and Draco ended up with bunny ears and buck teeth.

"Eh, what's up doc." Iris snickered quoting a famous muggle cartoon called Loony Toons.

"My father will hear about thith." Draco said angrily storming off.

"I'm sure he will. Tell him to say hello to my dear old father for me." Theo called after him.

"What just happened?" Harry asked, coming over.

"I feel like I just watched the fifth season of Hogwarts Academy. So much drama." Iris said, putting a hand on her heart and letting out a gasp. Theo turned to Iris.

"Popcorn. Really?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"I have to say this was quite entertaining. Much better than watching the movies. I get to see it live." Iris said stuffing another handful of popcorn in her mouth. She then held up the bin to her uncle and brother.


Theo chuckled and Harry shook his head.

"What are we going to do with you?" Harry said. Iris stood up and took a bow.

"Thank you. I will be here every day until seven." She said with a goofy smile.

"You really have been hanging out too much with those two clowns." Theo said, rolling his eyes.

"One of them is my boyfriend."

"Really now, because I thought you were dating both of them."

Iris threw her uncle an annoyed look.

"Shut up."

"That's your great comeback? Come on Iris I know you could do better than that." Theo snickered. Iris sprang up from her chair causing Theo to take off running while laughing.

"Get back here." Iris yelled. Harry grabbed onto her.

"Easy there firecracker." He said.

A while later they both headed back to the common room.

"So, what's going on between you and Nott?" Harry asked. Iris looked around then pulled Harry into an empty classroom.

"He's my uncle." She said in a low voice. Harry took a step back.

"I'm sorry what?"

"My mum's name is Gwen Nott. I told you you were buddy buddy with her brother."

"Theo is her younger brother."

"No Crabbe is. Who do you think I was talking about?"

"But, why would dad marry a Nott?"

"Her father disowned her the moment she got sorted into Gryffindor. Dad knows someone who is also a disappointment to his family and you're currently living with him. Because of that he probably gave her a chance. She's nothing like the rest of her family."

"So Theo knows."

"That I'm his niece? Yes. That you're my brother? No."

"Are you planning on telling him?"

"It depends what side he chooses. Which after today I have a feeling I-" Before she had a chance to finish she saw Theo running over to them. He looked horrible.

"Theo." Iris said concerned. Theo collapsed onto an empty chair.

"He..." Theo's voice trailed off.

"Nott you ok?" Harry asked.

"He disowned me." Theo whispered.

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