Chapter Sixty One

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"She's what!?!" Mrs. Weasley said, surprised. It took a minute for Mrs. Weasley to regain her composure. She then walked over to her would have been daughter-in-law and brought her into a hug.

"I'm sorry dear." She said. There was a loud crack causing everyone to draw their wands, but they lowered them when they saw Charlie and Katie walk through the door.

"Mum, Katie and I eloped." Charlie blurted out.

"You did what!?!"

"We eloped. After seeing all the destruction and devastation the war created we decided we didn't want to wait any longer, so we eloped." Charlie said calmly, taking Katie's hand.

"This is brand new information." Iris said quotating Phoebe from Friends.

"More like information overload. Mum looks like she's ready to burst." George said, receiving a smack from Fred.

"Ow, Gred will you cut that out." He said annoyed.

"What I find the most interesting is that your best friend is becoming your godmother, Iris." Remmy piped up.

"I didn't even think of that. Wow this is really awkward." Iris admitted.

"Godmother?" Audrey asked confused.

"Oh she doesn't know about our whole time traveling escapade." Remmy said.

"Well she does now."

"You time traveled?" Audrey said.

"Yep. Before we did we didn't know anything about magic. Come to think of it how did dad manage to keep our names out of the ministry so they wouldn't know we were Potters."

"That's something we'll have to ask him."

"Anyway in the future Charlie's our godfather, but we didn't know he was a Weasley. To us he was Charlie Wesley, mum's best friend and a firefighter. Merlin are we stupid. How did we not figure it out? I mean all the clues were in front of us. My name's a dead giveaway and so is Marlene's and we still didn't get it."

"Remmy you're rambling."

"I need to sit down." Mrs. Weasley said collapsing onto the nearest seat dizzily.

"Remmy do you ever shut up?" Iris demanded.

"Nope." Remmy said bluntly. Charlie finally realized Audrey standing there.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"Percy's fiancée." Fred replied.

"Isn't she a muggle? What's she doing here?" Charlie inquiried.

"She has a name and happens to be carrying your future niece or nephew." Fred shot back his hands balling into fists.

"Calm down Fred." George said, placing a hand on his twin's shoulder.

"She's pregnant?" Charlie said surprised.

"Her name is Audrey." Fred said, annoyed. He then turned to Audrey.

"That annoying ginger is my older brother Charlie."

"I see you've already met tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. I'm Charlie Weasley." Charlie said, kissing Audrey's hand.

"I take offense to that." Fred and George said dramatically letting out a gasp and placing a hand over their hearts.

"The one who works with dragons, Percy talked a lot about you. Congratulations by the way." Audrey said.

"This is too much." Mrs. Weasley said, stunned.

"Uh Sorry to drop another bomb on you lot, but I'm no longer working in Romania." Charlie said abruptly.

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