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September 1, 2025

Kings Cross station was quite busy at ten forty five in the morning. The family of six all headed for platforms six and seven.

"Cedric you first." Iris Weasley said.

"He's not Cedric, I am." George Fredrick Weasley said.

"Honestly, woman you call yourself our mother." Cedric Charles Weasley said, shaking his head.

"Sorry George." Iris found herself saying motioning for Cedric to go.

"I'm only joking, l am Cedric." Cedric sang as he took a running start disappearing through the invisible barrier. Fred Weasley couldn't help, but laugh at his thirteen year old son's antics. His wife glared at him.

"Don't you start." She warned.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Fred said innocently.

"Honestly, Fred, how on earth did your mum deal with you and George?" Iris dared to ask as her third son, Percy got ready to run through the barrier. Percy Weasley stared at the wall nervously. He had heard from uncle Harry how the wall closed itself off for him in his second year and he was nervous it would happen to him. He took a deep breath and took a running start and let out a sigh of relief when he found himself on the platform to the Hogwarts Express.

"Hello everyone."

"Uncle George." The younger  twins cheered.

"Cedric, George you have to see this." Fredrick George Weasley said excitedly running over to his cousins.

When Iris first found out she was pregnant with twins she was even more surprised to find out Angelina was also expecting especially since her and George were happy with just having Roxanne. They both went into labor the same day and the rest was history. Fred and George thought it would be funny to name their sons after each other and to make matters worse Fred the second looked exactly like the twins making it even more confusing. It was like they were triplets.

"You had to see her face, Forge. She fell for it just like mum did." Fred wheezed. Iris ignored her husband and turned her attention onto her younger son.

"Percy, are you alright?" She asked. Percy took his eyes off the red and black train. He turned to his mother with a sigh.

"What if I am put in Ravenclaw?" He asked nervously, pushing his round horned glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Is that what you're worried about?"

The young eleven year old nodded. Iris bent down until she was level with her son.

"Who told you Ravenclaw was a bad house?" She asked.

"Cedric and George."

"Percival Ignatius Weasley, you're named after your uncle who saved your father's life. Did you know he was almost put in Ravenclaw?"

Percy shook his head.

"There is nothing wrong with Ravenclaw. Uncle Simon was in Ravenclaw and so were half your cousins. You have nothing to worry about." Iris said. She stood up and gave her son a hug.

"Let me guess, you gave him the same pep talk Harry gave his kid, but you changed some of the wording." A voice behind her said.

"Uncle Stiles." Allison Weasley, the youngest of Iris' and Fred's children said cheerfully. Stiles Stilinski picked her up and spun her around. The little eight year old let out a giggle. He then walked over to Percy, his godson and ruffled his hair.

"Where's Aiden?" Percy asked.

"He's over there with Aunty Lydia. She's trying to calm him down. Aiden  is worried he might become a banshee like his mom." Stiles answered. He put Allison down  and turned to make sure his daughter Claudia was right behind him.

"That would be wicked." Cedric, George II and Fred II chorused.

"Oh, I'm sure just stumbling across dead bodies is so amazing." Aiden Stilinski said sarcastically.

"Guess we know where he gets his sarcasm from." Iris chuckled. Stiles rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to ask why we're on six and three quarters and not nine and three quarters." Lydia Stilinski said.

"Well, thanks to my brother Harry Potter is so famous in the muggle world that it's almost impossible to get onto the platform now so they upgraded the train and moved it to platform six and three quarters." Iris replied.

"Mum, how come uncle Stiles and Aunt Lydia are able to be on the platform if they're muggles?" Percy asked.

"Your aunt Hermione petitioned to have muggle parents be able to come through the barrier so they could see their children off to school."

The train whistle blew signaling it was almost time to leave.

"Cedric, George no driving uncle Remus crazy. He may be the headmaster now, but it doesn't mean you could do whatever you want." Iris said.

"We get it, no bothering uncle Moony." The twins burst out laughing.

"Like that's going to happen." They snorted.

"They're lucky their train ride is less than an hour now." Iris said as the train took off with lightning speed.

"I still can't believe your brother is Harry Potter." Stiles said.

"Stiles shut up." Iris said.

"Mommy, Aunty Iris said a bad language word." Claudia said. Everyone laughed as they walked off the platform chatting. And all was well or so it seemed.

(Literally less then an hour later they got a message from Moony that Cedric and George had detention.)

The end

Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ