Chapter Fifty Four

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"Hello and welcome to Hotel De La Potter. Your bell boy will be here in a minute.... Malfoy." Remmy yelled as Fred and George put down their trunks.


Draco came stumbling into the room half asleep.

"What do you want, Pottah?" He demanded.

"Please take their trunks up to their room."

"Is this the reason you woke me up because this is not a hotel, Pottah. Let them take care of their own bloody trunks." Draco growled.

"The service here is horrible. Gred let me pick the hotel next time." George joked.

"I thought they were supposed to go to aunt Muriel." Remmy said, turning to his sister.

"We were, but I wasn't going to leave your sister. Not after what happened with that psycho witch." Fred said.

"Awww... young love. You're making me want to Mcvomit." Remmy gagged.


"He's quoting one of my favorite Grey's Anatomy characters. I still can't believe they killed him off." Iris said, shaking her head.

"Anyways since we're all stuck here with nothing to do I vote for a muggle game night." Remmy said opening the hallway wardrobe. He pulled out a stack of muggle games and dropped the pile onto the dining room table.

"Let's see... we have Twister, Monopoly, Rummy cue, poker-"


"Iris, I haven't even finished yet." Remmy said with a huff.

"What's poker?" Draco asked.

"Oh, a way to make money of which you currently have none." Remmy said bluntly.

"Remmy, you don't be rude." Theo said, disappointed.

"What? He asked." Remmy said, pretending to be innocent.

"Well, you don't need to be rude." Theo said, folding his arms.

"Anyways, as I was saying, Othello, BattleShip, Guess Who, Mancala and Ruissan Roulette."

"RUSSIAN ROULETTE, absolutely not!" Iris and Simon both yelled.

"Oooo, now I'm intrigued." Fred said leaning in as Remmy put a strange looking object onto the table.

"What is that?" George asked, pointing to the object on the table.

"That is a gun. Sirius Remus Potter where the bloody hell did you get a gun!?!"

"Sheesh, don't go twisting your wand in a knot. It's a prop." Remmy said.

"That's a prop?" Simon said not buying it.

"Yes, here I'll prove it to you." Remmy said, picking up the gun. Iris and Simon both dove to the floor.


"See I told you it was a prop." Remmy said putting it down. There was a loud crash followed by someone tumbling down the stairs.

"What the bloody hell was that? Are we under attack?" Goyle asked, coming into the room with his wand drawn.

"Remmy was just showing us a prop."

"By the way sis, why can't we just storm Malfoy Manor with machine guns?" Remmy asked.

"It doesn't work that way." Simon said with a sigh.

"Like there's anything left of that place." Iris snorted. They turned to her in surprise.

"What did you do?" Draco asked.

"I might have blasted fire throughout the house." Iris said uneasily.

"You nuked the place!?!"

"I didn't nuke the place, Simon. It was a defense mechanism that kicked in when I was on the verge of death." Iris said sharply.

"Anyways, shall we play a game?" Remmy asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

When James Potter walked into Potter Manor he let out a yelp. Around the kitchen table sat seven adults and a teenager holding cards and smoking cigars.

"Rummy." Remmy yelled, throwing down his cards.

"Remmy, for the millionth time, we're playing poker." Theo said, taking a puff of his cigar.

"You're playing poker with a thirteen year old!?!" James yelled.

"Why of course, dad. How else do you expect me to make money?" Remmy asked innocently.

"I don't know, ask your parents."

"Uh, no can do dad. According to the wizarding world, you and mum are considered dead." Remmy said bluntly.

"This game is over." James said firmly.

"Alright then, who's up for a game of Twister?" Remmy asked taking out a giant mat with blue, green, red and yellow circles. He waltzed not the living room and shoved the furniture aside.

"Iris Lillian Potter, what the bloody hell is going on here?" James demanded.

"Well, you did say I could hide a few people here." Iris replied scratching the back of her head.

"A few. Not twenty." James was ready to explode. Remmy walked up to his father and put his arm around him.

"Welcome to the Potter Refuge. Veronica and Pansy are the cooks, though I don't trust old Pans cooking skills. She burnt water last time and made pasta taste like vomit. Theo, Goyle and Blaise well... I don't know what they do. Fred and George are busy sending owls to customers, Simon's been tutoring me for whenever I go back to Hogwarts, Iris is pretty much the concierge, I get to annoy everyone and Malfoy's the bellboy. We hope you enjoy your stay." Remmy stated.

"I am not the bloody bellboy, Pottah." Draco said annoyed.

"You need to earn your keep, Malfoy." Remmy said.

"I only burnt water once. I'm getting better at it." Pansy protested.

"Ahah... like the vomit tasting pasta? What's next booger flavored toast?" Remmy snorted.

"Remmy, can you not bother the residents?" Iris asked exasperated. Remmy gave everyone a sly grin and headed up to his room. There were two loud bangs followed by two slamming doors.

"Remmy." Draco screamed running out of his room covered from head to toe in sticky soda. The twins followed suit thirty seconds after Draco.

"I forgot I set that up this morning." Remmy said through tears of laughter. He had set up a bottle of coke and mentos in Draco's and the twins' room and completely forgot about it.

"You really should see yourselves." He wheezed. Draco whipped out his wand and began chasing after him. Remmy bolted down the hall.

"Dad, help."

"What did you do this time?" James asked, rubbing his temples feeling an oncoming headache.

"It's not my fault he can't handle a simple prank."  Remmy panted as he ran past him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a package of Pruivian Instant darkness. Remmy threw it down in front of him, finally  losing Draco. Remmy made it back to his room without anyone seeing him. He could hear the twins talking about how brilliant his prank was.

Remmy wandered over to the stack of Harry Potter books and picked up the seventh book. He plopped down on his bed and opened the book.

"No, no, no this can't be happening." Remmy's face went pale as he flipped through the book.

"Iris." He yelled.

"Remmy, you really need to-" Iris cut herself off when she saw the look on her brother's face.

"Remmy are you ok?"

"I-It's gone, It's gone." Remmy stuttered in disbelief.

"Remmy." Iris said worriedly.

"Th-The book. It's gone."

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