Chapter Fifty Two

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"Iris." Fred yelled. Iris ran over to her little brother as she dodged the on coming spells.

"Theo, Draco get him out of here." She ordered. As Draco and Theo disapprated with Remmy, Iris came face to face with Bellatrix.

"Hello Belladonna." Iris snickered blocking an oncoming spell. Bellatrix glared at her madly.

"They said you were dead. How are you still alive, mud blood?" She spat throwing a curcio her way Iris dodged it and shot back a powerful stupify almost knocking the mad hatter off her feet. 

"You know you really need to do your research Bells. That word doesn't bother me ." Iris taunted. Bellatrix fired another curcio at her.

"Is that the only spell you know?"

"How are you not dead?"

"Want to find out? Go for it, I dare you." Iris challenged expecting the Eichen House escapee to use the death curse, but she was wrong. Bellatrix used another curcio on her and this time it met its mark. Iris let out a scream and fell to the ground writhing in pain. Bellatrix grinned madly and began to use the spell repeatedly.

"Step away from her." A voice behind them ordered.

"Alice Longbottom, so good to see you again." Bellatrix snickered making Bellatrix lose her concentration. Iris got to her knees and found her wand.

"Not so fast you stupid girl." But, before Bellatrix could use curcio on Iris again, Iris used one of the many martial arts moves that Derek had taught her all those years ago. Bellatrix felt her feet being swept out from under her. Iris sprang to her feet panting.

"Thank you, Derek." She thought. She turned to Bellatrix with a sly grin making its way onto her face.

"Difference between you mindless drones and the muggles is that we'll use any means necessary to defeat the likes of you."

Bellatrix's next curse hit something behind Iris causing an explosion. The force was so strong it knocked Iris off her feet. Iris hit her head against some unknown object. The world around her went dark.

When Iris came to, she found herself lying on the couch in the Burrow still wearing the Barbie pink dress that was now covered in blood.

"Well, well, well. Sleeping beauty is finally awake." An evil voice cackled.

"For someone who's a pureblood you seem to be very familiar with Aurora, a Disney princess." Iris said hoarsely. Fred made eye contact with her pleading with her to stop, but of course Iris didn't listen. Bellatrix grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet.

"Rest time is over. You're going to tell me where Harry Potter is."

Iris gave her a look.

"Aww... is poor Belladonna angry. Did little Harry Potter and his friends slip away while you were busy playing with your sticks?" She snickered. Bellatrix jabbed her wand at Iris.

"Silence mudblood." She spat. Iris gave her a smirk and began signing.

"You think this is a game?" Bellatrix demanded. Iris continued signing.

"Answer me." She said angrily.

"Why Belladonna you told me to be quiet I was only listening to your instructions." Iris said coolly.

"Hmm... let's see Crabbe did say you were dating one of these blood traitors. Now which one is it? Eny, meny, miniy, mo." She stopped in front of Fred.

"If you touch any of them you're going to regret it." Iris warned. Iris jabbed her elbow into one of the death eaters trying to detain her and in one swift attack she had the two death eaters on the ground. Iris flipped her hair over her shoulder and faced Bellatrix.

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