Chapter Nine

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"Iris, get up."

Iris let out a groan and pulled her pillow over her head.

"Five more minutes Mum." She mumbled. She was then greeted by laughter.

"Did you hear that, Georgie? She thought I was her mum."

Iris flung her pillow at her unsuspecting boyfriend. It met its target.

"What was that for?" Fred demanded.

"That's what you get for waking me up so early." She shot back getting up.

"Well we didn't want you to miss the World Cup."

Iris had spent the summer at the Weasleys. She thought it would be fun, but she was wrong. Fred and George drove her nuts.

Iris slowly got off her bed. She knew what was to happen that night and it left an easy feeling in her stomach. Iris got herself together and decided to put her untamable hair into a braid.

She made her way downstairs half asleep.

"Do you have any coffee?" She asked Mrs. Weasley stifling a yawn. Before Mrs. Weasley could answer Ginny handed her a cup of piping hot coffee.

"Thank you." She began to nurse her hot coffee.

Harry and Sirius came through the door five minutes later. Followed by Lupin a few minutes after that.

"Hello everyone." Sirius said cheerfully. Iris mumbled a hello, let out a yawn and turned back to her coffee.

"I guess someone is not a morning person." Sirius said. Iris gave him a death glare then filled up her cup with more coffee.

"How much did you have already?" Fred asked, coming into the room.

"This is only my second cup."

Fred raised an eyebrow. Iris let out a sigh in defeat.

"Four." She replied. Fred took the cup out of her hand.

"Hey, give it back." Iris cried trying to get her cup back.

"You had enough coffee already. We don't need you bouncing off the walls."

"She can be unusually dangerous with too much coffee in her." George stated. Iris took out the football she had brought with her and kicked it at Fred knocking the mug out of his hand.

"IRIS LILLIAN EVANS. No ball playing in this house." Mrs Weasley yelled.

"You know for a second I thought she was going to start yelling Fredrick Gideon Weasley, but I guess I was wrong." She said with a shrug as Lupin used magic to repair the mug.

"We better get going." Mr. Weasley said. They all followed him out of the house and into the woods. Iris was so busy thinking about what was to happen that night that she wasn't paying attention to the conversation between Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory, Cedric's father.

"You, know I'm insulted. What happened to the cheerful hellos you usually greet me with?" A voice behind her said "hurt". Iris spun around.

"Cedric!" She exclaimed, giving him a hug. Lupin had paired the two together when Cedric was having a hard time with defensive spells. After many tutoring sessions Cedric improved dramatically and a great friendship was born.

"How come she doesn't greet us like that? I'm her best friend." George said to Fred,pretending to be insulted.

"Maybe because I had to spend every morning this past summer fearing something would explode on me when I woke up."

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