Chapter Thirty Eight

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Once again I do not own Harry Potter, or any tv shows, movies, etc. that pop up. I only own the characters that I made up.

"Harry for the love of Merlin would you stop following me around?" Iris asked annoyed.

"I'm just making sure you're-"

"I'm what? I am fine. Healer Phelps cleared me now stop stalking me." Iris snapped walking away.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"To the prefects compartment, where only prefects are allowed."

"So I'll just send Hermione and Ron to make sure you're ok." Harry said in all seriousness.

"I don't need a babysitter." Iris growled.

"Pottah." A voice behind them said.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry demanded turning around.

"Stalking the head girl now? What happened? Weaselette refuses to go out with you." Draco snickered. Harry's face went fifty shades of red. He reached for his wand and aimed it at Draco.

"How dare you,Malfoy."

"Ah, ah, ah. You're forgetting I'm a prefect, Pottah." Draco reminded him. Harry glared at him. Draco gave him his signature, smirked and walked away not before saying.

"That'll be twenty points from Gryffindor."

"You can't do that until we're in school." Harry retorted, but Draco didn't seem to care.

Harry looked around only to find himself standing there all by himself. He cursed under his breath and went off to find Ron and Hermione hoping to rope them into keeping an eye on Iris.

The train ride was a long boring one. Iris spent her time in the prefects compartment hoping to avoid Harry, Remmy, Theo and Katie when she wasn't patrolling. She settled back and pulled out her book on Occlumency only to be interrupted by Hermione and Ron. She let out a groan, closed her book and headed for the door.

"Where are you going? We have a perfect meeting." Hermione reminded her. Iris let out a sigh and plopped back into her seat. She opened the book and waited for the others to show up.

"What are you reading?" Hermione inquiried trying to read over her shoulder. Iris shut the book.

"Could you not?" She snapped. Hermione stared at her surprised.

"Sorry." She said taken aback. Hermione got up and walked over to Ron. Iris opened her book again only to be interrupted by Simon Williams, a Ravenclaw and head boy.

"Ok, we're starting the meeting."

When the meeting was over Iris found Ron and Hermione sticking around. She knew Harry had a hand in this and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere that my stalkers aren't." Iris said as she headed for the bathroom only to find Katie following her.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER." Iris yelled, throwing open the door to Harry's compartment door causing Harry to fall from his seat stunned.

"I-Iris." He stammered.


Harry swallowed hard and opened his mouth, but not a word came out.

"Iris, calm down." Theo began.

"Not a good idea, mate." Remmy whispered as they watched Iris's demeanor change.


"Harry, this has gone way too far." Theo admitted.

"But, but-"

"Harry, she'a an adult." Theo stated. Remmy burst out laughing.

"An adult who acts like a child." He snorted. Everyone glared at him.

"Ok, I'll shut up now." Remmy said, turning to look out the window.

For the rest of the train ride everyone left Iris alone.

As they exited the train the tension was thick. No one spoke or looked at each other as they headed the great hall. Iris wished she could skip supper, but being head girl ruined those plans. Dumbledore began to give his speech and Iris turned it out knowing full well what he was talking about. As soon as Dumbledore was done owls swooped in confusing everyone. Mail didn't come until the morning. Was something wrong? Iris could hear the whispers around her as papers littered the tables. She picked one up wanting to see what the fuss was about.

Hey Hogwarts,

Gossip Witch here and boy do I have a story to tell you. Rumor has it that Ginny Weasley recently broke up with Michael Corner and is now dating Dean Thomas. I mean we all know that she's in love with Harry Potter, but he's too thick headed to see that. That's probably the only reason she's dating Dean. Until next time.


Gossip witch

Harry and Ginny both spit out their pumpkin juice. Their faces went Weasley red. There was a massive uproar. Dean looked ready to kill someone and Iris has a feeling that person would be Harry. She also had a feeling that she knew who gossip witch really was. After all Gossip Girl was one of her favorite tv shows back in the day and Remmy knew that.

"Bet you loved it, Pottah. Can't get enough of being the center of attention, can you?" Draco sneered.

"Shove off, Malfoy." Harry said annoyed.

"Oí, Potter." A voice behind them said. They both turned to see a very angry Dean Thomas heading their way. The next thing Harry knew was that Dean's fist made contact with his jaw. Harry staggered backwards, stunned. He rubbed his aching jaw and took out his wand.

"Dean, what the hell?" Ginny demanded pushing through the crowd around Harry and Dean chanting:

"Fight, fight, fight..."

Iris heard the commotion and ran over to them only to find Dean and Harry had entered duel mode. As the two fired spells at each other Iris casted a shielding barrier down the middle causing both spells to backfire. Dean and Harry both flew backwards.

"ENOUGH." She said firmly. Harry and Dean both raised their wands at each other and Iris quickly casted a disarming spell on the pair causing their wands to go flying into her open hand.

"That's fifty points from Gryffindor. Now everyone go back to your dorms." Iris ordered. Draco smirked as he turned to leave.

"Oh, and Draco, that's ten from Slytherin."

Draco spun around angrily.

"But, I didn't do anything." He protested.

"You're a prefect, Draco. You're supposed to be breaking up fights, not inciting them." Iris reminded him. She then turned to Harry and Dean.

"I don't want to take any more points from our house. Dean, you should know better then to listen to gossip and Harry you can't just whip your wand out for everything. Now, I want both of you to apologize."

"But, he-" Harry began.

"I said apologize, now." She ordered. Harry and Dean both muttered an apology.

"Good, now Dean go back to Gryffindor tower and Harry go get your jaw checked out." She said handing them back their wands. Harry and Dean both headed in different directions. Iris headed to the Gryffindor common room to go have a talk with a certain gossip witch or was it wizard(?)

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