Chapter 47

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Iris found herself in what looked like the waiting room of the Beacon Hills hospital. The lights flickered, the halls were empty and the only sound was sirens in the distance. Iris stood up and began to walk around only to find herself back where she started.

"Hello, anyone there?" She called out.

"Where am I?" She wondered. One second she was reprimanding Remmy and the next second everything went white.

"I got to say you've aged a lot since I last saw you." A voice behind her said.

"Allison." Iris said, turning towards her deceased friend. It had been almost five years since she last saw Allison full of life, joking around with her and Lydia Martin, but then things changed.

"Hello Iris, it's been a while." Allison said.

"Am I dead?" Iris asked.

"I'm not here to answer that question." Alison replied. Iris gave the brunette a strange look.

"Then what am I doing here?" She asked, folding her arms.

"I'm just here to guide you."

"To where?"

"To the train platform obviously. There's someone there who wants to talk to you." Allison answered. The next thing Iris knew was that she was standing on platform nine and three quarters.

"You know you really took my family motto and did well with it." Allison said as she turned to board the train.

"Will I ever see you again?" Iris asked.

"Those we love never really leave us." She said. She then disappeared onto the train.

"Now what?" Iris thought to herself.

"You know most people who haven't seen their best friend in a really long time would give them a cheerful hello, I'm hurt." Iris froze in her tracks.

"C-Cedric." She stammered feeling the tears stinging her eyes. Cedric Diggory gave her a warm smile.

"I miss you." Iris said softly.

"I miss you too."

"I-I'm Sorry." Iris sniffed.

"It's not your fault, Iris." Cedric told her.

"But, it is! I could have saved you." She sobbed.

"It's not your fault." Cedric repeated.

"But, it is. I could've warned you, I could've warned Harry. I- I could've stopped you from grabbing the cup. If I did you'd still be alive." Iris cried.

"My death is not your fault and I want you to stop blaming yourself." Cedric insisted.

"I can't. I still see you. I still see you with a blank lifeless expression and all I could think about is if I was faster, maybe you'd still be here. I-I failed." Iris stuttered through the tears.

"You didn't fail."

"Yes I did."

"You saved Sirius. You saved Theo, Draco, Blaise, Pansy and Goyle."

"But, I didn't save you." Iris screamed.

"Iris, I accepted my fate a long time ago. I was meant to die that day. It's not your fault, if anything it's Pettigrew's. I want you to stop blaming yourself for my death. You need to stop doing that."

"H-how am I supposed to move on?"

"As Sirius once said 'Those who love us never really leave us. You can always find them in here.'" Cedric said, putting a hand over her heart.

"I miss you." Iris whispered.

"And I miss you too, but you can't save everyone."


"I want you to promise me."

"Cedric I-"

"I want you to promise me that you'll stop blaming yourself. Not only for my death, but those who unfortunately fall pray to our enemies."

"I.... I-I promise." Iris sniffed. There was a long silence.

"There someone else who wants to talk to you." Cedric piped up breaking the silence. Iris gave him a strange look.

"Don't worry she's really nice."


"Yes, she, but before I go I... I wanted to tell you something." He said hesitantly.

"Cedric, what's the matter?"

"When Professor Lupin first paired us up I was excited. You see I.... I had a crush on you and if it weren't for Weasley I would've asked you out." Cedric confessed. Scenes from their time together began to flash in front of her. There was a look in his eyes every time she was with Fred. She recognized that look because it was the same one she used to have when Fred and Alicia were together.

"I love you Iris Potter. Always have and always will." And with that Cedric boarded the train. Iris felt the tears welling up in her eyes again.

"He really is a sweet boy." Iris turned to see a young woman standing there. She looked to be about twenty one with long red hair, but her eyes, her green eyes looked so familiar.

"I know you, you're Lily Potter, Harry's mum."

"You really do look like James." Lily Potter said softly.

"Is that a bad thing?" Iris asked. Lily laughed at Iris' reaction.

"It's not a bad thing, don't worry."

"So, am I dead because if I'm not mistaken Harry had a very similar scene in the books with Dumbledore."

"Oh, Iris you're not dead. This is almost like limbo."

"So, if I'm not dead what am I doing here?" Iris asked.

"That I'm afraid I can't tell you." Lily replied grimly.

"Gosh you sounds like Dumbledore. Why do people have to be so cryptic sometimes?"

"I'm serious." Lily said seriously.

"No you're not. Last I checked he was keeping my dad company." Iris said cheekily. Lily shook her head.

"It's not funny." She said dryly.

"Oh come on. You have to admit that was funny."

"The first time yes, but the millionth time, no."

"Anyways, what in the world am I doing here if I'm not technically dead?"

"I can't answer that only you can."

Iris let out a groan.

"Can you stop sounding like Dumbledore?"

"All I could tell you is that the night Bellatrix attacked you when you were a baby had unexplained consequences for them."

"English please?"

"That's all I could tell you." Lily stated.

"Well that was helpful." Iris said dryly.

"I want you to tell your father that I'm happy he found someone that makes him happy. And please tell Harry that I love him."

"Yes ma'am."

Lily shook her head.

"I'm proud of you."

Iris turned around to find that Lily was gone. The scene shifted and in front of Iris was a door. Iris took a deep breath and pushed it open.

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