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Dinner tonight is tense, each person is mad at the other for events that happened earlier today, and each waiting for an excuse to snap.

Nico is mad that Beth got into his friend's head and Beth has confirmed that Nico is up to no good.

Gianna is mad that Nico snapped at her last night and she has planned to avoid him but she obviously can't. This family always has dinner together no matter how much they get on each other's nerves.

Sarah is mad at Jacob for preventing her from going to a party tonight. She thought she deserved a night off after working so hard these past couple of days for her exams but Jacob didn't think so. So she yelled something along these lines. "You are so lame and you are not my dad." And Jacob yelled something along these lines. "You are grounded."

As for the twins, James had called dibs on this girl at the beginning of the school session and Jonah has kept is womanizing paws on her since then. But at the end of the session, James found out that Jonah has been flirting with her.

Now he's never going to get her, Jonah has whisked her with his charms. 

"So were you able to see the Mayor today?" Jacob breaks the silence.

Gianna takes a sip from her glass of water before replying, "No, but hopefully soon."

"After she fucks his son," Beth comments with a low laugh.

This gains Nico's attention, he looks over at Gianna from the counter.

Gianna glares at Beth.

"What?" Jacob asks, slightly amused and interested.

"I am going on a date with-" She tries to remember his name "The Mayor's son." Gianna finally says.

"Careful there, don't go telling Jacob your plans, he might ruin it," Sarah says spitefully as she rolls her spaghetti. "He's a fun sucker."

"Watch the attitude, I can add a day more to your punishment," Jacob warns.

He hates that he has to be the bad guy in his house but no one else will do it.

"Let's back it up a little," Nico says, going back to the aspect that really interests him. "You are going on a date with Ashton? Last time I checked he was daddy's little bitch,"

"It's not the first time a Mayor of our town has a little bitch." Beth says with a smirk.

Nico catches the sub with a low laugh. "Oh, but I am no longer someone's little bitch. Speaking about being a little bitch, how's Rudy? Isn't this the time he usually needs you?" He throws it back at her.

Betty glares at him. It took all in her not to push him off that counter.

"Speaking about needs. I needed my own brother to respect the bro code and leave at least one girl for me but no he just had to flirt with the girl I like."  James starts.

"It's not my fault it took you your whole life you ask her out," Jonah responds.

"Oh, I am sorry that I was waiting for the perfect timing. You wouldn't know what it means to wait for the perfect timing to do things, your grades are proof." Janes retorts in anger.

"Well I didn't need perfect timing to get your girl and I am going on a date with her tomorrow."

"No, you are not." Jacob interrupts. "Tomorrow you are studying for your makeup test or you will be going to summer school," Jacob says.

"As I said, fun sucker," Sarah says.

"The last time you went to a party, it ended with a gunfight.  So keep it up, you are still not going to any party." Jacob says, irritated by Sarah's side talks.

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