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"Leaving so soon?"

Nico halts immediately once he hears that familiar voice. "Fuck!" He says under his breath.  He turns around and there he was, the infamous Uncle, one of the people Nico believes orchestrated his arrest and imprisonment.

He is a short old man, bald-headed with a huge scar on his left cheek, like he intentionally puts effort to look like the villain he is. 

"Glad to see you are back." He says adjusting the lapels of his suit. "Walk with me," He says gesturing to the door Nico was about to exit from earlier.

Nico swallows the hate and the anger that's burning inside him. He knows he will have his time one day.

Nico nods walking outside the hall with Uncle behind him.  Soon, they start to walk on the same pace as they get outside.

"What do you want?" Nico asks putting his hands in his pocket, hiding his balled fist.

Uncle takes a sharp breath in before smiling, "Fun fact, I also went to jail for a while. My brothers, your dad and your other uncle turned me to the police so that they can steal and sell the land I earned."

Nico knows this story. Back in 1985, the land dispute between the three brothers got out of hand. Allies were formed between, Nate Bailey (Nico's dad) and Chase Bailey (The twin's dad) leaving an unfair advantage to Logan (Uncle). In spite of the fact that he was at a disadvantage, he bested the two of them, taking more than half of the properties including the family's farm. He left them with a small land at an undeveloped part of Purple's vile (Where Nico and his family are currently living).

Not satisfied, Nate and Chase outed their brother to the cops for being a small scale marijuana farmer, which he actually was. Logan was arrested and when he got released, he came at his brother's with all the fury he had in him and banished them to their small land.

He continued his business on a larger scale, with local police and politicians on his side.  Today, he is one of the richest people in Purple's Ville. He is one of the richest and most hated man. People know what he does but have no means to have him locked up. He gets invited to these events as a formality and for his money.

"Why are you telling me this?" Nico stops to face him.

"I know betrayal and I understand the need for revenge. I just want to make sure your energy for retaliation is focused on the right person."

Nico raises his eyebrows, "Is this your way of telling me that you had nothing to do with my imprisonment?" Nico asks.

"Jael was a paranoid man and you were a curious boy, sticking his nose where it didn't belong. You knew too much about our dealings and you were dating his daughter, he needed to silence you.  It will be a lie if I said I didn't know he was going to do something but I had no hand in his plans."

Nico doesn't buy Uncle's words for a second. But there's nothing he can do about it now, so he just nods.

"Good to know," Nico mutters with a small smile.

"You know, when I first saw you, I knew we were alike. I saw your ambition, your search for knowledge and you had your youth to crown it all. I had high hopes for you, still do. Hopefully this time, you choose the right mentor." Uncle taps his arm. "Come around the farmhouse anytime, I can show you what your life could be."

"Sure will," Nico says.

"Good." He says dropping his hand. He turns to leave but stops and turns back to Nico. "By the way, I am sorry about your mum. She was too good a woman to have ever married a Bailey."

Nico gives a tight smile as Uncle leaves. His smile turns into a frown as he watches the old man walk into the hall.

His thoughts go to Gianna as he contemplates internally if he should leave her amongst the wolves. But then again, she has always been among the wolves her entire life. She might be a wolf herself.

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