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"Let me talk to him," Kaylee says rushing towards the door.

Alexander looks down at her in annoyance but he shrugs in defeat. He turns to his son. "Let your mother handle this."

Gio let's out a low groan as Kaylee opens the door and leaves them at in hallway.

Her heartbreaks the minute she sees a Bill, his face bruised, she can't imagine the bruises behind his bloody shirt.

She can't believe Gio did this. Bill took care of him when he was sick, he was there during his games in high school. He took care of him more than she even did.

He looks so frail and old.

Kaylee rushes to him, she falls on her knees and hold his head up. His eyes, those eyes filed with heartbreak.

"I am so sorry that he did this." Kaylee says untying is rope on his hands. "I am sorry." She apologizes again.

"It'-it's fine." Bill coughs painfully.

"No, it's not." Kaylee takes a bottle of water on the floor and opens the cap. She carefully puts the bottle near his mouth as he drinks the water.

"Gio is-" She stops to think of the word to describe her incredibly flawed son.

"Difficult, we both knew it watching him grow up."

"You have to help me help you." Kaylee says standing up. "Alex wants Gianna found, he feels like he's losing control. Tell me where she is."

"I don't know," Bill shakes his head.

"Come on, it's clear you helped her escape."

"She wasn't happy because you were going to have her marry someone she doesn't love.

"We all do things that doesn't make us happy, she needed to grow up. Brianna was going to, I did." Beth says in frustration.

"You seriously want your daughter to experience what you did. You haven't been happy for a long time. You are a shadow of yourself, I don't fucking remember you." Bill pauses. "I wasn't going to let Gianna be like that."

"It wasn't your call." She snaps. "I am her mother, I know what's best. He can protect her and provide for her, love isn't everything."

"Listen to yourself," He shakes his head. "Your dad would have been disappointed, I am disappointed."

That word hurt, like a sharp knife to her chest. She married the man that killed her father, if Bill knew what she knows, he will be more than disappointed.

She tells herself she's staying for her children but truth is, she's scared of leaving. This is all she's known. Most of it is her family's wealth, and she will be damned if Alexander takes it all.

"Tell me where she is Bill, or I'll be forced to leave you with Alex and Gio."

"You can run away too, just like Gianna. She got the courage to do what I know is at the back of your head."

Kaylee shakes her head, as if his words will fall right off. She doesn't want it to enter her head.

"I cannot leave Gio with him."

"Gio is long gone, it's saddens me to say."

"No, no, I am not leaving. Tell me where Gianna is now!" She yells.

"Are you scared of Alex, what he would do if you leave? Is that it?" Bill continues.

"Tell me where my baby is."

"I don't know, I told her not to tell me, just incase something like this is to happen."

Kaylee laughs sadly "People have been killed for way less and you know it. I don't want to you die."

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