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"No," Nico says sternly as he walks upstairs with Sarah following behind him.

"Why?" She breathes out in frustration.

"Because you waited till Jacob left before you spring up your intentions of going to a party tomorrow night. I know a scheme when I see one."

"That's because Jacob didn't let me go to the last party I was invited to. He was a social pariah when he was in high school and he is trying to make me one as well."

They both walk into the sitting room where they both stop to listen to what the other has to say.

"Please Nic, I need this. These girls are only inviting me to these parties because I am best friends with Diego, if I don't show up again, they will stop inviting me. I can't spend my summer babysitting the twins and reading novels." Sarah pleads her case.

"Trust me, I know you need this. If you continue like this, I see many cats in your future." Nico resumes walking. He stops at the kitchen. "But I promised Jacob you won't get drunk, pregnant or die on my watch, so no."

Sarah glares at her brother, "You are supposed to be the cool one but-"

Nico puts a finger up, "Hold your snarky comment," He says looking down at his phone which is vibrating. When he sees the name that pops up, "I need to take this." He says.

He picks up the call as he walks back to the sitting room.

"Why are you calling me? I told you I will contact you myself." Nico says through his gritted teeth.

"I got into a fight with Rudy, I am headed to your house so we can talk," Sparks says.

"No!" Nico says Immediately as he looks over his shoulder to see Sarah. "Go to the auto shop, I'll meet you there."

"Oka-" Barely allowing to complete his sentence, Nico hangs up.

"I need to get somewhere," Nico announces putting his phone in his front pocket.

"We aren't done talking," Sarah yells.

Nico who's already at the door, yells. "Later,"


"Fighting with Rudy wasn't part of the plan," Nico says immediately he sees Sparks in front of the auto shop. "Come here," He ushers Sparks to a corner where no one can see them.

The muscular man limps to where Nico is at. "I couldn't stand that egomaniac, and I shouldn't have to since I am going to rise to power soon."

Nico can't believe his ears, this what happens when he enlists idiots to his scheme.

"If you are ever to rise to power, you have to first serve," Nico says in irritation. "I knew that I should have gone with Ghost-"

Sparks interrupts, "Well you went with me, and it's not like I haven't done anything. I whispered into some of the gang members ears as you told me to and when shit goes down they will have our backs."

Nico runs his hands through his hair in frustration. "It's easy to have allies when the war has been won, not so easy when the war has barely begun. The key is to cause instability in Rudy's camp, that's why I needed an inside man but now you have been excommunicated."

"I messed up, let's not dwell on it. What next? We have to act fast before Rudy gets wind of our plans. What can I do?"

"First, it's not our plan and second,  I will call when I need you." Nico brings out his warning finger. "Do nothing." He warns before walking away.

At a safe distance, Nico takes out his phone and texts Jamal.

Bring the pictures, our plans have commenced.

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